Lookup for Country, State/Province, and United States County Codes

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If you are looking up a state/province code, first select the country code from the list (if it appears as a link). This will provide all states/provinces in that country.
If you are looking up a United States county code, select the appropriate state code.

Country Code (FIPS) Country Name Region Code ISO Country Code
US United States XUS US
CA Canada 6CA CA
MX Mexico 748 MX
AF Afghanistan 008 AF
AL Albania 024 AL
AG Algeria 001 DZ
AN Andorra 024 AD
AO Angola 001 AO
AV Anguilla 941 AI
AY Antarctica 099 AQ
AC Antigua And Barbuda 941 AG
AR Argentina 805 AR
AM Armenia 008 AM
AA Aruba 941 NL
AT Ashmore and Cartier Islands 096 AU
AS Australia 096 AU
AU Austria 024 AT
AJ Azerbaijan 008 AZ
BF Bahamas, The 909 BS
BA Bahrain 008 BH
BG Bangladesh 008 BD
BB Barbados 941 BB
BS Bassas da India 001 FR
BO Belarus 024 BY
BE Belgium 024 BE
BH Belize 712 BZ
BN Benin 001 BJ
BD Bermuda 197 BM
BT Bhutan 008 BT
BL Bolivia 813 BO
BK Bosnia and Herzegovina 024 BA
BC Botswana 001 BW
BV Bouvet Island 099 BV
BR Brazil 810 BR
IO British Indian Ocean Territory 096 IO
VI British Virgin Islands 941 VG
BX Brunei 008 BN
BU Bulgaria 024 BG
UV Burkina 001 BF
BM Burma 008 MM
BY Burundi 001 BI
CB Cambodia 008 KH
CM Cameroon 001 CM
CV Cape Verde 001 CV
CJ Cayman Islands 937 KY
CT Central African Republic 001 CF
CD Chad 001 TD
CI Chile 815 CL
CH China 008 CN
KT Christmas Island 008 CX
IP Clipperton Island 096 FR
CK Cocos (Keeling) Islands 008 CC
CO Colombia 816 CO
CN Comoros 001 KM
CG Congo 001 CD
CW Cook Islands 096 CK
CR Coral Sea Islands 096 AU
CS Costa Rica 719 CR
IV Cote D'Ivoire 001 CI
HR Croatia 024 HR
CU Cuba 920 CU
CY Cyprus 024 CY
EZ Czech Republic 024 CZ
DA Denmark 024 DK
DJ Djibouti 001 DJ
DO Dominica 941 DM
DR Dominican Republic 931 DO
TT East Timor 008 TL
EC Ecuador 823 EC
EG Egypt 001 EG
ES El Salvador 778 SV
EK Equatorial Guinea 001 GQ
ER Eritrea 001 ER
EN Estonia 024 EE
ET Ethiopia 001 ET
24 EUR 024
EU Europa Island 001 FR
FK Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 805 FK
FO Faroe Islands 024 FO
FM Federated States Of Micronesia 096 FM
FJ Fiji 096 FJ
FI Finland 024 FI
FR France 024 FR
FG French Guiana 830 FR
FP French Polynesia 096 FR
FS French Southern and Antarctic Lands 099 TF
GB Gabon 001 GA
GA Gambia, The 001 GM
GZ Gaza Strip 008 PS
GG Georgia 008 GE
GM Germany 024 DE
GH Ghana 001 GH
GI Gibraltar 024 GI
GO Glorioso Islands 001 FR
GR Greece 024 GR
GL Greenland 028 GL
GJ Grenada 941 GD
GP Guadeloupe 941 FR
GT Guatemala 729 GT
GK Guernsey 024 GG
GV Guinea 001 GN
PU Guinea-Bissau 001 GW
GY Guyana 830 GY
HA Haiti 931 HT
HM Heard Island and Mcdonald Islands 099 HM
HO Honduras 732 HN
HK Hong Kong 008 CN
HU Hungary 024 HU
IC Iceland 024 IS
IN India 008 IN
ID Indonesia 008 ID
IR Iran 008 IR
IZ Iraq 008 IQ
EI Ireland 024 IE
IS Israel 008 IL
IT Italy 024 IT
JM Jamaica 937 JM
JN Jan Mayen 024 NO
JA Japan 008 JP
JE Jersey 024 JE
JQ Johnston Atoll 096 US
JO Jordan 008 JO
JU Juan de Nova Island 001 FR
KZ Kazakhstan 008 KZ
KE Kenya 001 KE
KR Kiribati 096 KI
KU Kuwait 008 KW
KG Kyrgyzstan 008 KG
41 LANT 941
LA Laos 008 LA
LG Latvia 024 LV
LE Lebanon 008 LB
LT Lesotho 001 LS
LI Liberia 001 LR
LY Libya 001 LY
LS Liechtenstein 024 LI
LH Lithuania 024 LT
LU Luxembourg 024 LU
MC Macau 008 CN
MK Macedonia 024 MK
MA Madagascar 001 MG
MI Malawi 001 MW
MY Malaysia 008 MY
MV Maldives 008 MV
ML Mali 001 ML
MT Malta 024 MT
IM Man, Isle of 024 IM
RM Marshall Islands 096 MH
MB Martinique 941 FR
MR Mauritania 001 MR
MP Mauritius 001 MU
MF Mayotte 001 FR
MD Moldova 024 MD
MN Monaco 024 MC
MG Mongolia 008 MN
MJ Montenegro 024 ME
MH Montserrat 941 MS
MO Morocco 001 MA
MZ Mozambique 001 MZ
WA Namibia 001 NA
NR Nauru 096 NR
NP Nepal 008 NP
NL Netherlands 024 NL
NT Netherlands Antilles 941 NL
NC New Caledonia 024 FR
NZ New Zealand 096 NZ
NU Nicaragua 762 NI
NG Niger 001 NE
NI Nigeria 001 NG
NE Niue 096 NU
NF Norfolk Island 096 NF
KN North Korea 008 KP
CQ Northern Mariana Islands 096 US
NO Norway 024 NO
96 OCEANIA 096
MU Oman 008 OM
PK Pakistan 008 PK
WE Palestine 008 PS
PM Panama 770 PA
PP Papua New Guinea 096 PG
PF Paracel Islands 008 CN
PA Paraguay 871 PY
PE Peru 873 PE
RP Philippines 096 PH
PC Pitcairn Islands 096 PN
PL Poland 024 PL
PO Portugal 024 PT
QA Qatar 008 QA
CF Republic of the Congo 001 CG
RE Reunion 001 FR
RO Romania 024 RO
RS Russia 098 RU
RW Rwanda 001 RW
SM San Marino 024 SM
TP Sao Tome and Principe 001 ST
SA Saudi Arabia 008 SA
SG Senegal 001 SN
RB Serbia 024 RS
YI Serbia and Montenegro 024 CS
SE Seychelles 001 SC
SL Sierra Leone 001 SL
SN Singapore 008 SG
LO Slovakia 024 SK
SI Slovenia 024 SI
BP Solomon Islands 096 SB
SO Somalia 001 SO
SF South Africa 001 ZA
SX South Georgia and The South Sandwich Islands 099 GS
KS South Korea 008 KR
OD South Sudan 001 SS
SP Spain 024 ES
PG Spratly Islands 096 CN
CE Sri Lanka 008 LK
SH St. Helena 001 SH
SC St. Kitts and Nevis 941 KN
ST St. Lucia 941 LC
SB St. Pierre And Miquelon 657 FR
VC St. Vincent and The Grenadines 941 VC
SU Sudan 001 SD
NS Suriname 830 SR
SV Svalbard 024 NO
WZ Swaziland 001 SZ
SW Sweden 024 SE
SZ Switzerland 024 CH
SY Syria 008 SY
TW Taiwan 008 TW
TI Tajikistan 008 TJ
TZ Tanzania 001 TZ
TH Thailand 008 TH
TO Togo 001 TG
TL Tokelau 096 TK
TN Tonga 096 TO
TD Trinidad And Tobago 941 TT
TE Tromelin Island 001 FR
PS Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Palau) 096 PW
TS Tunisia 001 TN
TU Turkey 024 TR
TX Turkmenistan 008 TM
TK Turks and Caicos Islands 909 TC
TV Tuvalu 096 TV
UG Uganda 001 UG
UP Ukraine 024 UA
AE United Arab Emirates 008 AE
UK United Kingdom 024 GB
UY Uruguay 884 UY
UZ Uzbekistan 008 UZ
NH Vanuatu 096 VU
VT Vatican City 024 VA
VE Venezuela 886 VE
VM Vietnam 008 VN
WF Wallis and Futuna 096 FR
WI Western Sahara 001 EH
WS Western Samoa 096 WS
YM Yemen 008 YE
ZA Zambia 001 ZM
ZI Zimbabwe 001 ZW
01 AFR 001
08 ASIA 008
94 AT SEA 094 AA
1 level of administrative divisions for United Kingdom
State Code (FIPS) State Name Admin Div Desc Region Code ISO Subdivision Code
00 024 GB
11Devon metropolitan county 024 GB-DEV
12Dorset metropolitan county 024 GB-DOR
13Durham metropolitan county 024 GB-DUR
19Hampshire metropolitan county 024 GB-HAM
32Northumberland metropolitan county 024 GB-NBL
52Antrim district 024 GB-ANN
64Down district 024 GB
80Dumfries and Galloway region 024 GB-DGY
84Lothian region 024 GB
86Shetland region 024 GB
87Strathclyde region 024 GB
89Western Isles region 024 GB
90Clwyd county 024 GB
91Dyfed county 024 GB
93Gwynedd county 024 GB-GWN
A1Barking and Dagenham 024 GB-BDG
A2Barnet 024 GB-BNE
A3Barnsley 024 GB-BNS
A4Bath and North East Somerset 024 GB-BAS
A5Bedfordshire 024 GB-CBF
A6Bexley 024 GB-BEX
A7Birmingham 024 GB-BIR
A8Blackburn with Darwen 024 GB-BBD
A9Blackpool 024 GB-BPL
B1Bolton 024 GB-BOL
B2Bournemouth 024 GB-BMH
B3Bracknell Forest 024 GB-BRC
B4Bradford 024 GB-BRD
B5Brent 024 GB-BEN
B6Brighton and Hove 024 GB-BNH
B7Bristol, City of 024 GB-BST
B8Bromley 024 GB-BRY
B9Buckinghamshire 024 GB-BKM
C1Bury 024 GB-BUR
C2Calderdale 024 GB-CLD
C3Cambridgeshire 024 GB-CAM
C4Camden 024 GB-CMD
C5Cheshire 024 GB
C6Cornwall 024 GB-CON
C7Coventry 024 GB-COV
C8Croydon 024 GB-CRY
C9Cumbria 024 GB-CMA
D1Darlington 024 GB-DAL
D2Derby 024 GB-DER
D3Derbyshire 024 GB-DBY
D5Doncaster 024 GB-DNC
D7Dudley 024 GB-DUD
D9Ealing 024 GB-EAL
E1East Riding of Yorkshire 024 GB-ERY
E2East Sussex 024 GB-ESX
E3Enfield 024 GB-ENF
E4Essex 024 GB-ESS
E5Gateshead 024 GB-GAT
E6Gloucestershire 024 GB-GLS
E7Greenwich 024 GB-GRE
E8Hackney 024 GB-HCK
E9Halton 024 GB-HAL
F1Hammersmith and Fulham 024 GB-HMF
F3Haringey 024 GB-HRY
F4Harrow 024 GB-HRW
F5Hartlepool 024 GB-HPL
F6Havering 024 GB-HAV
F7Herefordshire 024 GB-HEF
F8Hertfordshire 024 GB-HRT
F9Hillingdon 024 GB-HIL
G1Hounslow 024 GB-HNS
G2Isle of Wight 024 GB-IOW
G3Islington 024 GB-ISL
G4Kensington and Chelsea 024 GB-KEC
G5Kent 024 GB-KEN
G6Kingston upon Hull, City of 024 GB-KHL
G7Kingston upon Thames 024 GB-KTT
G8Kirklees 024 GB-KIR
G9Knowsley 024 GB-KWL
H1Lambeth 024 GB-LBH
H2Lancashire 024 GB-LAN
H3Leeds 024 GB-LDS
H4Leicester 024 GB-LCE
H5Leicestershire 024 GB-LEC
H6Lewisham 024 GB-LEW
H7Lincolnshire 024 GB-LIN
H8Liverpool 024 GB-LIV
H9London, City of 024 GB-LND
I1Luton 024 GB-LUT
I2Manchester 024 GB-MAN
I3Medway 024 GB-MDW
I4Merton 024 GB-MRT
I5Middlesbrough 024 GB-MDB
I6Milton Keynes 024 GB-MIK
I7Newcastle upon Tyne 024 GB-NET
I8Newham 024 GB-NWM
I9Norfolk 024 GB-NFK
J1Northamptonshire 024 GB-NTH
J2North East Lincolnshire 024 GB-NEL
J3North Lincolnshire 024 GB-NLN
J4North Somerset 024 GB-NSM
J5North Tyneside 024 GB-NTY
J6Northumberland 024 GB-NBL
J7North Yorkshire 024 GB-NYK
J8Nottingham 024 GB-NGM
J9Nottinghamshire 024 GB-NTT
K1Oldham 024 GB-OLD
K2Oxfordshire 024 GB-OXF
K3Peterborough 024 GB-PTE
K4Plymouth 024 GB-PLY
K5Poole 024 GB-POL
K6Portsmouth 024 GB-POR
K7Reading 024 GB-RDG
K8Redbridge 024 GB-RDB
K9Redcar and Cleveland 024 GB-RCC
L1Richmond upon Thames 024 GB-RIC
L2Rochdale 024 GB-RCH
L3Rotherham 024 GB-ROT
L4Rutland 024 GB-RUT
L5Salford 024 GB-SLF
L6Shropshire 024 GB-SHR
L7Sandwell 024 GB-SAW
L8Sefton 024 GB-SFT
L9Sheffield 024 GB-SHF
M1Slough 024 GB-SLG
M2Solihull 024 GB-SOL
M3Somerset 024 GB-SOM
M4Southampton 024 GB-STH
M5Southend-on-Sea 024 GB-SOS
M6South Gloucestershire 024 GB-SGC
M7South Tyneside 024 GB-STY
M8Southwark 024 GB-SWK
M9Staffordshire 024 GB-STS
N1St. Helens 024 GB-SHN
N2Stockport 024 GB-SKP
N3Stockton-on-Tees 024 GB-STT
N4Stoke-on-Trent 024 GB-STE
N5Suffolk 024 GB-SFK
N6Sunderland 024 GB-SND
N7Surrey 024 GB-SRY
N8Sutton 024 GB-STN
N9Swindon 024 GB-SWD
O1Tameside 024 GB-TAM
O2Telford and Wrekin 024 GB-TFW
O3Thurrock 024 GB-THR
O4Torbay 024 GB-TOB
O5Tower Hamlets 024 GB-TWH
O6Trafford 024 GB-TRF
O7Wakefield 024 GB-WKF
O8Walsall 024 GB-WLL
O9Waltham Forest 024 GB-WFT
P1Wandsworth 024 GB-WND
P2Warrington 024 GB-WRT
P3Warwickshire 024 GB-WAR
P4West Berkshire 024 GB-WBK
P5Westminster 024 GB-WSM
P6West Sussex 024 GB-WSX
P7Wigan 024 GB-WGN
P8Wiltshire 024 GB-WIL
P9Windsor and Maidenhead 024 GB-WNM
Q1Wirral 024 GB-WRL
Q2Wokingham 024 GB-WOK
Q3Wolverhampton 024 GB-WLV
Q4Worcestershire 024 GB-WOR
Q5York 024 GB-YOR
Q7Ards 024 GB-AND
Q8Armagh 024 GB-ABC
Q9Ballymena 024 GB-ANN
R1Ballymoney 024 GB-ANN
R2Banbridge 024 GB-ABC
R3Belfast 024 GB-BFS
R4Carrickfergus 024 GB-ANN
R5Castlereagh 024 GB-LBC
R6Coleraine 024 GB
R7Cookstown 024 GB
R8Craigavon 024 GB-ABC
S1Dungannon 024 GB
S2Fermanagh 024 GB-FMO
S3Larne 024 GB
S4Limavady 024 GB
S5Lisburn 024 GB-LBC
S6Derry 024 GB-DRS
S7Magherafelt 024 GB
S8Moyle 024 GB
S9Newry and Mourne 024 GB
T1Newtownabbey 024 GB-ANN
T2North Down 024 GB
T3Omagh 024 GB-FMO
T4Strabane 024 GB-DRS
T5Aberdeen City 024 GB-ABE
T6Aberdeenshire 024 GB-ABD
T7Angus 024 GB-ANS
T8Argyll and Bute 024 GB-AGB
T9Scottish Borders, The 024 GB-SCB
U1Clackmannanshire 024 GB-CLK
U3Dundee City 024 GB-DND
U4East Ayrshire 024 GB-EAY
U5East Dunbartonshire 024 GB-EDU
U6East Lothian 024 GB-ELN
U7East Renfrewshire 024 GB-ERW
U8Edinburgh, City of 024 GB-EDH
U9Falkirk 024 GB-FAL
V1Fife 024 GB-FIF
V2Glasgow City 024 GB-GLG
V3Highland 024 GB-HLD
V4Inverclyde 024 GB-IVC
V5Midlothian 024 GB-MLN
V6Moray 024 GB-MRY
V7North Ayrshire 024 GB-NAY
V8North Lanarkshire 024 GB-NLK
V9Orkney Islands 024 GB-ORK
W1Perth and Kinross 024 GB-PKN
W2Renfrewshire 024 GB-RFW
W3Shetland Islands 024 GB-ZET
W4South Ayrshire 024 GB-SAY
W5South Lanarkshire 024 GB-SLK
W6Stirling 024 GB-STG
W7West Dunbartonshire 024 GB-WDU
W8Eilean Siar 024 GB-ELS
W9West Lothian 024 GB-WLN
X1Isle of Anglesey 024 GB-AGY
X2Blaenau Gwent 024 GB-BGW
X3Bridgend 024 GB-BGE
X4Caerphilly 024 GB-CAY
X5Cardiff 024 GB-CRF
X6Ceredigion 024 GB-CGN
X7Carmarthenshire 024 GB-CMN
X8Conwy 024 GB-CWY
X9Denbighshire 024 GB-DEN
Y1Flintshire 024 GB
Y3Merthyr Tydfil 024 GB
Y4Monmouthshire 024 GB
Y5Neath Port Talbot 024 GB
Y6Newport 024 GB
Y7Pembrokeshire 024 GB
Y8Powys 024 GB-POW
Y9Rhondda Cynon Taff 024 GB
Z1Swansea 024 GB
Z2Torfaen 024 GB
Z3Vale of Glamorgan, The 024 GB
Z4Wrexham 024 GB

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