North American Bird Banding Program Longevity Records. Version 2023  

(Current through December 2023)

About the longevity records of the North American Bird Banding Program

How to use this page:

This page lists all current longevity records for each species by taxonomic order. You can narrow the list by selecting a species group.

To see the entire list again, select "Show All".

To learn more about interpreting the age at banding and how the minimum age at encounter is calculated, click here.

Questions about this page should be directed to Lauren Walker, Encounter Biologist at

Release year:
Select Species Group:

Species Name Scientific Name Minimum age at encounter Banding date Banding region Age at banding Sex Encounter date Encounter region How bird and band were obtained Condition of bird/band at encounter
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis 12 years 07 months 03/07/2013 Louisiana After Second Year Male 01/20/2024 Louisiana Shot. Dead/Removed
Fulvous Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna bicolor 11 years 00 months 08/18/1993 Florida Local Male 08/08/2004 Cuba Shot. Dead/Removed
Greater White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons 34 years 06 months 07/22/1977 Alaska Local Male 01/09/2012 Utah Shot. Dead/Removed
Emperor Goose Anser canagicus 20 years 03 months 07/29/1994 Alaska After Hatching Year Female 09/15/2013 Alaska Found dead. Dead/Removed
Snow Goose Anser caerulescens 30 years 09 months 08/04/1990 Manitoba After Hatching Year Female 03/09/2020 Idaho Shot. Dead/Removed
Ross's Goose Anser rossii 22 years 06 months 10/05/1972 Saskatchewan After Hatching Year Female 12/04/1993 California Shot. Dead/Unknown
Brant Branta bernicla 30 years 02 months 07/27/1986 Alaska Local Female 09/06/2016 Alaska Shot. Dead/Removed
Cackling Goose Branta hutchinsii 28 years 07 months 07/23/1989 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 01/05/2017 Colorado Shot.
Canada Goose Branta canadensis 33 years 03 months 10/31/1969 Ohio After Hatching Year Female 94/99/2001 Ontario Shot. Dead/Removed
Hawaiian Goose Branta sandvicensis 24 years 00 months 03/12/1999 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Male 03/13/2023 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Caught or found dead due to striking or being struck by: moving aircraft. Dead/Removed
Mute Swan Cygnus olor 26 years 09 months 07/16/1962 Rhode Island Second Year Male 03/10/1988 Rhode Island Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Trumpeter Swan Cygnus buccinator 26 years 06 months 04/23/1992 Michigan Third Year Female 12/19/2016 Michigan Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Tundra Swan Cygnus columbianus 29 years 04 months 02/04/1986 North Carolina After Second Year Female 10/29/2013 Montana Shot. Dead/Removed
Wood Duck Aix sponsa 22 years 06 months 09/08/1962 Oregon Hatching Year Male 12/28/1984 California Shot. Dead/Removed
Gadwall Mareca strepera 19 years 04 months 08/08/1962 Saskatchewan Local Male 12/29/1981 Louisiana Shot. Dead/Removed
Eurasian Wigeon Mareca penelope 10 years 07 months 03/10/2007 California After Second Year Male 01/09/2016 California Shot. Dead/Removed
American Wigeon Mareca americana 20 years 11 months 11/24/1952 Washington Unknown Male 10/28/1973 Nebraska Shot. Dead/Removed
American Black Duck Anas rubripes 26 years 00 months 11/17/1952 Pennsylvania Unknown Male 11/08/1978 Delaware Shot. Dead/Removed
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 27 years 07 months 01/09/1981 Louisiana After Hatching Year Male 01/17/2008 Arkansas Shot. Dead/Removed
Mottled Duck Anas fulvigula 14 years 01 months 07/27/2009 Texas After Hatching Year Male 07/28/2022 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Mexican Duck Anas diazi 05 years 06 months 09/10/1968 New Mexico Hatching Year Male 12/09/1973 New Mexico Shot. Dead/Removed
Hawaiian Duck Anas wyvilliana 06 years 09 months 11/27/2012 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Unknown Male 08/15/2019 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Found dead or caught due to disease Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Laysan Duck Anas laysanensis 15 years 01 months 06/01/1999 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Male 07/07/2013 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Found dead. Dead/Removed
Blue-winged Teal Spatula discors 23 years 03 months 08/08/1983 Saskatchewan After Hatching Year Male 94/99/2005 Cuba Shot. Dead/Removed
Cinnamon Teal Spatula cyanoptera 10 years 06 months 07/20/2001 California After Hatching Year Female 12/20/2010 California Shot. Dead/Removed
Northern Shoveler Spatula clypeata 16 years 07 months 10/08/1952 Nevada Hatching Year Male 01/99/1969 California Shot. Dead/Removed
White-cheeked Pintail Anas bahamensis 06 years 03 months 06/06/1996 Puerto Rico Hatching Year Female 94/99/2002 Puerto Rico Shot. Dead/Removed
Northern Pintail Anas acuta 22 years 03 months 08/02/1972 Saskatchewan Hatching Year Male 94/99/1994 Saskatchewan Shot. Dead/Unknown
Green-winged Teal Anas crecca 20 years 03 months 03/15/1941 Oklahoma After Hatching Year Female 94/99/1960 Missouri Shot. Dead/Unknown
Canvasback Aythya valisineria 22 years 07 months 03/01/1969 California After Hatching Year Male 01/05/1991 California Shot. Dead/Unknown
Redhead Aythya americana 20 years 07 months 09/14/1976 Minnesota Hatching Year Male 01/04/1997 Texas Shot. Dead/Removed
Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris 20 years 05 months 11/20/1964 Louisiana After Hatching Year Male 11/16/1983 Minnesota Shot. Dead/Removed
Greater Scaup Aythya marila 20 years 05 months 01/09/1988 New York After Hatching Year Male 11/23/2007 Michigan Shot. Dead/Removed
Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis 17 years 07 months 03/10/1956 Maryland Unknown Male 10/03/1973 Wisconsin Shot. Dead/Removed
Steller's Eider Polysticta stelleri 23 years 00 months 09/12/1975 Alaska After Hatching Year Female 06/99/1997 Russia Shot. Dead/Unknown
Spectacled Eider Somateria fischeri 18 years 00 months 08/02/1992 Alaska After Hatching Year Female 06/18/2009 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
King Eider Somateria spectabilis 24 years 01 months 07/09/1996 Nunavut After Second Year Female 07/11/2018 Nunavut Found dead. Dead/Removed
Common Eider Somateria mollissima 24 years 07 months 06/04/1996 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon After Second Year Female 01/08/2019 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Shot. Dead/Removed
Harlequin Duck Histrionicus histrionicus 20 years 09 months 05/07/1995 Alberta After Second Year Male 03/14/2014 British Columbia Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata 20 years 07 months 08/12/2004 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon After Hatching Year Male 01/06/2024 Maryland Shot. Dead/Left On Bird
White-winged Scoter Melanitta deglandi 18 years 01 months 07/12/1969 Saskatchewan After Second Year Female 07/01/1985 Saskatchewan Caught or observed at or in nest. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black Scoter Melanitta americana 14 years 06 months 06/01/2006 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 12/31/2019 Alaska Shot. Dead/Removed
Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis 17 years 05 months 08/05/2004 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 11/16/2020 Alaska Shot. Dead/Removed
Bufflehead Bucephala albeola 18 years 08 months 02/13/1975 New York Second Year Male 02/02/1993 New York Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula 20 years 04 months 07/09/1992 Minnesota Local Male 11/30/2012 Wisconsin Shot. Dead/Removed
Barrow's Goldeneye Bucephala islandica 15 years 04 months 07/23/1965 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 10/07/1979 Alaska Shot. Dead/Removed
Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus 14 years 04 months 08/14/1995 Minnesota Local Male 12/99/2009 Mississippi Shot. Dead/Removed
Common Merganser Mergus merganser 13 years 05 months 12/13/1938 Oklahoma After Hatching Year Female 11/08/1950 Wisconsin Shot. Dead/Removed
Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator 11 years 01 months 07/20/2005 New Brunswick After Second Year Female 07/15/2014 New Brunswick Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis 13 years 07 months 07/25/1951 British Columbia After Hatching Year Male 01/99/1964 Oregon Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Micronesian Megapode Megapodius laperouse 04 years 10 months 07/01/2011 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 04/14/2015 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red-throated Loon Gavia stellata 03 years 10 months 07/07/2009 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 04/17/2012 California Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Common Loon Gavia immer 33 years 09 months 07/31/1987 Michigan Local Male, sexed upon recapture 04/07/2021 Michigan Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Yellow-billed Loon Gavia adamsii 10 years 01 months 09/18/1998 Alaska After Second Year Unknown 07/20/2006 Alaska Found dead. Dead/Removed
Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps 04 years 07 months 05/03/2007 California After Hatching Year Unknown 01/01/2011 California Found dead. Dead/Removed
Horned Grebe Podiceps auritus 05 years 11 months 06/05/2002 Northwest Territories After Hatching Year Unknown 05/29/2007 Northwest Territories Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena 11 years 00 months 04/18/1998 Minnesota After Hatching Year Unknown 06/10/2008 Minnesota Found dead. Dead/Removed
Eared Grebe Podiceps nigricollis 09 years 00 months 09/12/2009 British Columbia Hatching Year Unknown 06/18/2018 British Columbia Miscellaneous. Method of recovery not covered by other codes. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Western Grebe Aechmophorus occidentalis 11 years 00 months 05/20/1991 Minnesota After Hatching Year Female 06/99/2001 Minnesota Found dead. Dead/Removed
Clark's Grebe Aechmophorus clarkii 03 years 00 months 12/04/2007 California After Hatching Year Female 06/06/2009 California Found dead. Dead/Removed
American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber 49 years 01 months 06/06/1970 Bahama Islands Local Unknown 07/02/2019 Bahama Islands Found dead. Dead/Removed
Adelie Penguin Pygoscelis adeliae 13 years 08 months 12/21/1962 Antarctica After Hatching Year Unknown 10/29/1974 Antarctica Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris 44 years 00 months 02/13/1962 Antarctica Local Unknown 02/03/2006 Antarctica Caught by or due to: entanglement in fishing gear Dead/Removed
Gray-headed Albatross Thalassarche chrysostoma 47 years 02 months 04/07/1963 Antarctica Local Unknown 06/07/2010 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Found dead. Dead/Removed
Southern Giant-Petrel Macronectes giganteus 38 years 10 months 02/26/1965 Antarctica Local Male, sexed upon recapture 12/26/2003 Antarctica Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Northern Giant-Petrel Macronectes halli 01 years 07 months 02/24/1974 Antarctica Local Unknown 09/20/1975 Chile Caught by hand. Dead/Removed
Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans 40 years 00 months 03/21/1961 Antarctica After Hatching Year Unknown 02/13/2000 Antarctica Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Laysan Albatross Phoebastria immutabilis 71 years 09 months 12/10/1956 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 11/29/2022 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-footed Albatross Phoebastria nigripes 62 years 10 months 02/10/1964 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 12/20/2021 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Waved Albatross Phoebastria irrorata 14 years 11 months 06/29/1994 Ecuador After Third Year Unknown 05/30/2006 At Sea (oceans) Caught by or due to: entanglement in fishing gear Alive - Released/Removed
Short-tailed Albatross Phoebastria albatrus 17 years 07 months 03/10/1964 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Unknown 10/26/1981 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis 19 years 01 months 07/05/1975 Nunavut After Hatching Year Unknown 07/21/1993 Nunavut Found dead. Dead/Removed
Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides 12 years 11 months 02/15/1960 Antarctica After Hatching Year Unknown 01/19/1972 Antarctica Caught or observed at or in nest. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Cape Petrel Daption capense 08 years 07 months 11/25/1962 Antarctica After Hatching Year Unknown 01/15/1970 Antarctica Caught by hand. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Phoenix Petrel Pterodroma alba 11 years 04 months 03/23/1964 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 10/03/1974 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Caught or observed at or in nest. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Hawaiian Petrel Pterodroma sandwichensis 13 years 01 months 08/05/1980 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 07/14/1992 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bonin Petrel Pterodroma hypoleuca 31 years 01 months 03/10/1981 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 03/23/2011 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii 22 years 09 months 08/29/1969 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Female, sexed upon recapture 05/26/1992 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Caught or observed at or in nest. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Great Shearwater Ardenna gravis 14 years 11 months 09/16/2006 New Brunswick Unknown Unknown 08/26/2021 Nova Scotia Caught by or due to: entanglement in fishing gear Dead/Removed
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Ardenna pacifica 26 years 03 months 04/15/1964 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 09/17/1989 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Found dead. Dead/Removed
Sooty Shearwater Ardenna grisea 10 years 11 months 12/10/2007 Argentina After Hatching Year Unknown 01/19/2017 Argentina Caught by hand. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Christmas Shearwater Puffinus nativitatis 22 years 09 months 05/23/1981 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 03/20/2003 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus 04 years 10 months 07/05/1977 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon After Hatching Year Unknown 04/12/1981 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Shot. Dead/Removed
Newell's Shearwater Puffinus newelli 21 years 00 months 09/27/2002 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Unknown 09/14/2023 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Caught or observed at or in nest. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-vented Shearwater Puffinus opisthomelas 21 years 08 months 05/09/1997 Mexico After Hatching Year Unknown 02/15/2018 Mexico Killed or caught by a predator other than a cat Dead/Removed
Audubon's Shearwater Puffinus lherminieri 11 years 00 months 03/12/2001 Bahama Islands After Hatching Year Female 06/30/2011 Bahama Islands Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Tropical Shearwater Puffinus bailloni 05 years 04 months 04/17/1971 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Third Year Unknown 06/03/1973 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Wilson's Storm-Petrel Oceanites oceanicus 04 years 00 months 01/11/1981 Antarctica After Hatching Year Unknown 02/13/1984 Antarctica Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
White-throated Storm-Petrel Nesofregetta fuliginosa 06 years 01 months 08/15/1979 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 07/10/1984 At Sea (oceans) Caught by hand. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel Hydrobates furcatus 24 years 10 months 09/01/1988 Alaska Local Unknown 07/31/2013 Alaska Caught by or due to: traps or snares OTHER THAN devices used to catch birds for banding. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Leach's Storm-Petrel Hydrobates leucorhous 30 years 10 months 08/09/1990 Maine Local Unknown 06/26/2021 Maine Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Ashy Storm-Petrel Hydrobates homochroa 30 years 00 months 05/29/1973 California After Hatching Year Unknown 06/12/2002 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel Hydrobates castro 03 years 02 months 09/20/2014 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 08/01/2016 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Miscellaneous. Method of recovery not covered by other codes. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black Storm-Petrel Hydrobates melania 02 years 00 months 06/14/1925 California Unknown Unknown 06/19/1927 Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Tristram's Storm-Petrel Hydrobates tristrami 14 years 00 months 11/16/1980 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Third Year Unknown 02/22/1991 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus 09 years 11 months 04/24/1986 Puerto Rico After Third Year Unknown 05/05/1993 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus 17 years 07 months 02/18/1980 Lesser Antilles After Third Year Unknown 01/25/1995 Lesser Antilles Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda 32 years 05 months 09/26/1968 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Unknown 02/99/2001 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Wood Stork Mycteria americana 22 years 04 months 06/03/1994 Georgia Local Unknown 11/13/2016 Florida Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens 20 years 01 months 04/07/1997 Lesser Antilles Local Unknown 05/18/2017 Lesser Antilles Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Great Frigatebird Fregata minor 43 years 00 months 06/13/1963 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Unknown 06/12/2006 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Found dead. Dead/Removed
Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel 27 years 02 months 11/04/1964 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Unknown 01/05/1992 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra 25 years 00 months 09/11/1941 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Juvenile Unknown 09/19/1966 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Miscellaneous. Method of recovery not covered by other codes. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Blue-footed Booby Sula nebouxii 03 years 03 months 05/28/1982 Ecuador After Second Year Female 09/26/1983 Ecuador Found dead. Dead/Removed
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster 26 years 00 months 10/10/1964 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Male 82/99/1989 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Shot. Dead/Removed
Red-footed Booby Sula sula 27 years 06 months 08/11/1995 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Unknown 02/04/2023 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Northern Gannet Morus bassanus 32 years 01 months 08/16/1989 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Local Unknown 09/08/2021 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Caught due to: injury Dead/Removed
Brandt's Cormorant Urile penicillatus 21 years 11 months 07/08/1999 California Local Unknown 06/14/2021 California Found dead. Dead/Removed
Neotropic Cormorant Nannopterum brasilianum 11 years 09 months 04/27/1965 Louisiana Unknown Unknown 01/05/1977 Louisiana Found dead. Dead/Removed
Double-crested Cormorant Nannopterum auritum 24 years 09 months 07/23/1997 Oregon Local Unknown 04/26/2022 Washington Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo 14 years 02 months 07/10/1937 Québec Juvenile Unknown 93/99/1951 Nova Scotia Shot. Dead/Unknown
Red-faced Cormorant Urile urile 07 years 00 months 08/03/2009 Alaska Local Unknown 08/27/2016 Alaska Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Pelagic Cormorant Urile pelagicus 17 years 09 months 07/29/1956 British Columbia Local Unknown 04/29/1974 British Columbia Found dead. Dead/Removed
Guanay Cormorant Leucocarbo bougainvillii 18 years 02 months 01/11/1954 Peru Local Unknown 83/99/1972 Chile Found dead. Dead/Removed
Blue-eyed Cormorant Leucocarbo atriceps 04 years 04 months 03/31/1979 Antarctica After Hatching Year Female 82/99/1982 Antarctica Collected as Scientific Specimen or captured for a Scientific Study. (NOT FOR BANDING) Dead/Removed
Anhinga Anhinga anhinga 12 years 07 months 12/21/2011 Florida Hatching Year Unknown 01/13/2024 Florida Caught due to: injury Alive - Released/Left On Bird
American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos 27 years 01 months 06/25/1994 Minnesota Local Unknown 07/25/2021 Iowa Caught due to: injury Dead/Removed
Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis 27 years 10 months 06/17/1972 South Carolina Local Unknown 04/05/2000 Florida Caught due to: parasite infestation Alive - Released/Left On Bird
American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus 08 years 04 months 04/28/1940 Ontario After Hatching Year Unknown 10/41/1947 Ontario Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis 03 years 02 months 01/02/2009 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 08/26/2011 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Caught by hand. Dead/Left On Bird
Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis 04 years 11 months 06/21/2001 Missouri Local Unknown 05/13/2006 Missouri Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias 24 years 06 months 06/08/1977 Texas Local Unknown 12/15/2001 Texas Found dead. Dead/Removed
Great Egret Ardea alba 22 years 10 months 06/29/1947 Ohio Local Unknown 04/25/1970 Ohio Illegally taken Dead/Left On Bird
Pacific Reef Heron Egretta sacra 04 years 00 months 02/16/1969 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Third Year Unknown 06/12/1970 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Collected as Scientific Specimen or captured for a Scientific Study. (NOT FOR BANDING) Dead/Removed
Snowy Egret Egretta thula 17 years 06 months 07/02/1970 Colorado Local Unknown 01/07/1988 Mexico Shot. Dead/Removed
Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea 13 years 11 months 06/16/1957 Virginia Local Unknown 05/42/1971 Maryland Found dead. Dead/Removed
Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor 17 years 08 months 06/06/1958 Virginia Local Unknown 02/12/1976 Bahama Islands Shot. Dead/Removed
Reddish Egret Egretta rufescens 14 years 09 months 07/04/2008 Mexico Local Unknown 04/10/2023 Mexico Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis 16 years 11 months 07/01/1962 Maryland Local Unknown 06/22/1979 Pennsylvania Caught by or due to: miscellaneous animal. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Green Heron Butorides virescens 11 years 01 months 08/06/2013 Texas After Hatching Year Unknown 07/05/2023 Texas Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-crowned Night-Heron Nycticorax nycticorax 21 years 05 months 10/15/1992 California After Hatching Year Unknown 11/14/2012 California Found dead. Dead/Removed
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Nyctanassa violacea 06 years 02 months 07/20/1974 Mexico Local Unknown 09/09/1980 Mexico Shot. Dead/Removed
White Ibis Eudocimus albus 16 years 04 months 06/14/1956 Alabama Local Unknown 10/03/1972 Florida Collected as Scientific Specimen or captured for a Scientific Study. (NOT FOR BANDING) Dead/Removed
Scarlet Ibis Eudocimus ruber 03 years 10 months 10/01/1967 French Guiana, Guyana and Surinam Local Unknown 08/99/1971 French Guiana, Guyana and Surinam Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 21 years 00 months 06/12/1971 Virginia Local Unknown 06/03/1992 Virginia Found dead. Dead/Removed
White-faced Ibis Plegadis chihi 12 years 02 months 07/09/1982 Oregon Local Unknown 09/10/1994 California Caught due to disease. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja 15 years 04 months 12/30/1990 Florida Local Unknown 04/04/2006 Florida Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black Vulture Coragyps atratus 25 years 01 months 11/02/1940 Louisiana Unknown Unknown 12/99/1965 Louisiana Found dead. Dead/Removed
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura 23 years 04 months 03/10/1997 California After Hatching Year Unknown 10/99/2019 California Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Osprey Pandion haliaetus 25 years 02 months 06/07/1973 Virginia Local Unknown 08/03/1998 Virginia Found dead. Dead/Removed
Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus 06 years 11 months 06/04/2012 Florida After Hatching Year Male 05/25/2018 Florida Collected as Scientific Specimen or captured for a Scientific Study. (NOT FOR BANDING) Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-tailed Kite Elanus leucurus 06 years 00 months 05/04/1944 California Local Unknown 05/28/1950 California Shot. Dead/Unknown
Snail Kite Rostrhamus sociabilis 15 years 09 months 08/22/2007 Florida Local Unknown 05/17/2023 Florida Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Mississippi Kite Ictinia mississippiensis 11 years 00 months 08/02/1984 Kansas Local Unknown 08/11/1995 Texas Found dead. Dead/Removed
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus 38 years 00 months 08/05/1977 New York Hatching Year Unknown 06/02/2015 New York Caught due to striking or being struck by: motor vehicle. Dead/Removed
Northern Harrier Circus hudsonius 15 years 04 months 10/01/1986 New Jersey Hatching Year Female 10/09/2001 Québec Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus 12 years 09 months 09/08/2002 New Mexico Hatching Year Female 03/28/2015 Mexico Caught by hand. Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii 20 years 04 months 10/27/1986 California Hatching Year Male 10/30/2006 Washington Found dead. Dead/Removed
American Goshawk Accipiter atricapillus 17 years 07 months 06/27/1995 Michigan Local Unknown 01/14/2013 Michigan Found dead. Dead/Removed
Common Black Hawk Buteogallus anthracinus 13 years 06 months 07/02/1977 Arizona Local Unknown 01/07/1991 Mexico Caught by hand. Alive - Released/Removed
Harris's Hawk Parabuteo unicinctus 19 years 04 months 09/10/2005 Texas After Second Year Female 10/28/2022 Texas Hit by motor vehicle or found dead or injured on road Dead/Left On Bird
Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus 25 years 11 months 05/12/1974 California Local Female, sexed upon recapture 04/21/2000 California Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Broad-winged Hawk Buteo platypterus 18 years 04 months 10/31/1970 Florida After Hatching Year Male 10/14/1987 Florida Caught due to: injury Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Gray Hawk Buteo plagiatus 10 years 00 months 01/30/2014 Texas Third Year Female 06/01/2022 Texas Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Swainson's Hawk Buteo swainsoni 26 years 00 months 07/06/1986 California Local Unknown 07/24/2012 California Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-tailed Hawk Geranoaetus albicaudatus 14 years 00 months 12/18/2009 Texas After Third Year Male 06/24/2020 Texas Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Zone-tailed Hawk Buteo albonotatus 04 years 01 months 10/02/2009 Mexico Hatching Year Unknown 07/06/2013 Texas Found dead. Dead/Removed
Hawaiian Hawk Buteo solitarius 10 years 06 months 03/10/1998 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Second Year Female 12/20/2007 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 30 years 08 months 10/11/1981 Michigan After Hatching Year Unknown 02/06/2011 Michigan Caught due to: injury Dead/Left On Bird
Ferruginous Hawk Buteo regalis 23 years 08 months 06/10/1982 Nevada Local Unknown 02/15/2006 Nevada Found dead. Dead/Removed
Rough-legged Hawk Buteo lagopus 17 years 09 months 01/20/1962 Illinois After Hatching Year Female 03/05/1979 Illinois Found dead or injured on highway. Dead/Removed
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos 31 years 08 months 05/10/1980 Utah Local Unknown 01/14/2012 Utah Found dead or injured on highway. Dead/Left On Bird
Yellow Rail Coturnicops noveboracensis 03 years 00 months 06/10/1997 Oregon After Hatching Year Male 06/19/1999 Oregon Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
California Ridgway's Rail Rallus obsoletus 05 years 10 months 01/18/1985 California After Hatching Year Unknown 04/18/1990 California Banding Mortality: due to trap, holding device, or handling. Dead/Removed
Clapper Rail Rallus crepitans 07 years 06 months 05/24/1971 New Jersey After Hatching Year Male 12/05/1977 New Jersey Shot. Dead/Removed
King Rail Rallus elegans 02 years 11 months 09/23/1965 Maryland Hatching Year Unknown 05/17/1968 Maryland Found dead. Dead/Removed
Virginia Rail Rallus limicola 02 years 06 months 07/11/1952 Iowa After Hatching Year Unknown 12/01/1953 Minnesota Caught by or due to: traps or snares OTHER THAN devices used to catch birds for banding. Dead/Unknown
Sora Porzana carolina 02 years 04 months 10/03/1974 Maryland Hatching Year Unknown 10/09/1976 Connecticut Shot. Dead/Removed
Purple Gallinule Porphyrio martinicus 07 years 04 months 06/13/1950 Florida After Hatching Year Unknown 10/04/1956 Florida Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Common Gallinule Gallinula galeata 09 years 10 months 02/26/1931 Louisiana Unknown Unknown 12/31/1940 Louisiana Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Hawaiian Coot Fulica alai 07 years 06 months 08/24/2002 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 12/09/2008 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Removed
American Coot Fulica americana 22 years 04 months 07/20/1961 Alberta After Hatching Year Female 10/43/1982 Idaho Shot. Dead/Removed
Sandhill Crane Antigone canadensis 38 years 00 months 02/18/1982 Florida Second Year Unknown 06/13/2019 Wisconsin Hit by motor vehicle or found dead or injured on road Dead/Removed
Whooping Crane Grus americana 28 years 03 months 07/29/1977 Northwest Territories Local Unknown 10/18/2005 Saskatchewan Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus 16 years 11 months 06/05/2002 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Unknown 05/17/2019 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
American Avocet Recurvirostra americana 15 years 01 months 05/25/1993 California Local Unknown 06/24/2008 California Found dead or injured on highway. Dead/Removed
American Oystercatcher Haematopus palliatus 23 years 10 months 08/01/1989 Virginia After Hatching Year Unknown 04/08/2012 Florida Found dead. Dead/Removed
Black Oystercatcher Haematopus bachmani 28 years 09 months 06/23/1995 British Columbia After Hatching Year Unknown 03/10/2023 British Columbia Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis squatarola 14 years 04 months 10/07/2010 Connecticut After Hatching Year Unknown 10/19/2023 Connecticut Found dead. Dead/Removed
American Golden-Plover Pluvialis dominica 13 years 00 months 06/15/1993 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 06/15/2005 Alaska Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Pacific Golden-Plover Pluvialis fulva 21 years 04 months 04/07/1982 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Second Year Unknown 10/10/2001 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Snowy Plover Charadrius nivosus 15 years 08 months 07/13/1996 Oregon Local Female, sexed upon recapture 03/07/2012 Oregon Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Wilson's Plover Charadrius wilsonia 10 years 00 months 04/27/2013 South Carolina After Hatching Year Male 06/10/2022 South Carolina Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula 04 years 01 months 06/28/2014 Nunavut After Hatching Year Female 07/14/2017 Nunavut Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus 12 years 00 months 06/23/2007 Manitoba After Hatching Year Female 06/07/2018 Manitoba Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Piping Plover Charadrius melodus 17 years 04 months 01/24/2000 Cuba After Hatching Year Unknown 10/12/2016 Cuba Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Killdeer Charadrius vociferus 10 years 10 months 07/04/1963 Kansas Local Unknown 05/22/1974 Kansas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Mountain Plover Charadrius montanus 10 years 00 months 07/02/2000 Montana After Hatching Year Unknown 06/08/2009 Montana Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Snowy Sheathbill Chionis albus 06 years 01 months 09/16/1975 Antarctica Unknown Unknown 10/09/1981 Antarctica Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Northern Jacana Jacana spinosa 03 years 08 months 06/14/1974 Costa Rica Hatching Year Unknown 02/13/1978 Costa Rica Shot. Dead/Removed
Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius 12 years 00 months 06/15/1968 New York After Hatching Year Male 06/11/1979 New York Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria 03 years 00 months 06/08/2016 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 06/14/2018 Alaska Caught or observed at or in nest. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Gray-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes 10 years 04 months 02/27/2009 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 10/25/2018 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Wandering Tattler Tringa incana 04 years 09 months 11/25/2019 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 03/31/2023 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca 02 years 07 months 10/07/1935 Massachusetts Unknown Unknown 05/11/1938 Québec Shot. Dead/Unknown
Willet Tringa semipalmata 12 years 07 months 05/31/1999 Oregon After Hatching Year Female 01/31/2011 California Found dead or injured on highway. Dead/Removed
Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes 06 years 00 months 06/14/2017 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 06/23/2022 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda 13 years 01 months 05/24/2006 Kansas Local Unknown 06/21/2019 Kansas Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 14 years 00 months 06/13/1999 Manitoba After Hatching Year Unknown 06/25/2012 Manitoba Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bristle-thighed Curlew Numenius tahitiensis 23 years 07 months 09/04/1967 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Unknown Unknown 04/30/1991 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Collected as Scientific Specimen or captured for a Scientific Study. (NOT FOR BANDING) Dead/Removed
Long-billed Curlew Numenius americanus 06 years 00 months 05/27/2014 Wyoming After Hatching Year Female 06/30/2019 Wyoming Bird located by electronic sensors Dead/Unknown
Hudsonian Godwit Limosa haemastica 13 years 00 months 06/17/2011 Manitoba After Hatching Year Male 06/14/2023 Manitoba Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 08 years 11 months 07/04/2009 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 05/16/2017 Alaska Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Marbled Godwit Limosa fedoa 14 years 02 months 12/03/2008 Georgia Unknown Female 02/25/2023 Georgia Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 16 years 11 months 05/09/2001 Delaware After Second Year Male 05/29/2016 New Jersey Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black Turnstone Arenaria melanocephala 09 years 00 months 05/21/2006 Alaska After Hatching Year Female 06/14/2014 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red Knot Calidris canutus 22 years 00 months 03/20/1998 Argentina Second Year Unknown 06/01/2019 Delaware Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Stilt Sandpiper Calidris himantopus 11 years 01 months 08/14/1972 Kansas After Hatching Year Unknown 07/25/1982 Kansas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Sanderling Calidris alba 14 years 10 months 05/17/2006 New Jersey After Second Year Unknown 04/02/2019 Florida Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Dunlin Calidris alpina 16 years 11 months 05/16/1999 Delaware After Second Year Unknown 05/21/2014 Delaware Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Rock Sandpiper Calidris ptilocnemis 07 years 04 months 07/10/1979 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 10/15/1985 Alaska Found dead. Dead/Removed
Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima 02 years 00 months 02/15/1975 New Brunswick After Hatching Year Unknown 06/04/1976 Nunavut Shot. Dead/Removed
Baird's Sandpiper Calidris bairdii 02 years 01 months 06/30/1970 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 07/03/1971 Alaska Found dead. Dead/Removed
Least Sandpiper Calidris minutilla 15 years 00 months 07/22/1970 Nova Scotia Hatching Year Female, sexed upon recapture 06/08/1985 Nova Scotia Caught or observed at or in nest. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis 07 years 00 months 08/20/1972 Québec Second Year Unknown 06/19/1978 Nunavut Found dead. Dead/Removed
Pectoral Sandpiper Calidris melanotos 05 years 11 months 08/09/1978 Kansas After Hatching Year Unknown 05/03/1983 El Salvador Caught due to: injury Dead/Removed
Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla 14 years 02 months 08/01/1989 New Brunswick After Hatching Year Unknown 08/12/2002 New Brunswick Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Western Sandpiper Calidris mauri 10 years 10 months 06/17/2012 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 04/30/2022 Washington Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus 13 years 11 months 05/12/2002 Delaware After Second Year Unknown 05/18/2014 Delaware Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus 08 years 04 months 09/12/1969 Kansas After Hatching Year Unknown 10/24/1976 Kansas Shot. Dead/Removed
Wilson's Snipe Gallinago delicata 09 years 03 months 08/02/1964 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Hatching Year Unknown 09/29/1973 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Shot. Dead/Removed
American Woodcock Scolopax minor 11 years 04 months 06/30/1971 Wisconsin Hatching Year Female 10/02/1982 Wisconsin Shot. Dead/Removed
Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus 05 years 00 months 06/13/1976 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 06/12/1980 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Red Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius 08 years 01 months 07/06/2015 Alaska After Second Year Male 07/02/2021 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
South Polar Skua Stercorarius maccormicki 24 years 09 months 01/28/2000 Antarctica After Third Year Female 11/14/2021 Brazil Caught due to: injury Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Brown Skua Stercorarius antarcticus 35 years 00 months 01/26/1988 Antarctica Local Unknown 01/01/2023 Antarctica Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Parasitic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus 03 years 00 months 07/13/2017 Nunavut After Hatching Year Female 06/28/2019 Nunavut Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Long-tailed Jaeger Stercorarius longicaudus 17 years 02 months 06/04/2008 Nunavut After Second Year Unknown 08/22/2023 Nunavut Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Common Murre Uria aalge 40 years 06 months 08/06/1981 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Local Unknown 02/02/2022 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Shot. Dead/Removed
Thick-billed Murre Uria lomvia 34 years 05 months 08/15/1987 Nunavut Local Unknown 01/01/2022 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Shot. Dead/Removed
Razorbill Alca torda 30 years 07 months 07/23/1988 Québec Local Unknown 02/10/2019 Massachusetts Found dead. Dead/Removed
Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle 27 years 00 months 06/09/1985 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 06/30/2011 Alaska Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Pigeon Guillemot Cepphus columba 17 years 01 months 07/13/1997 Washington After Hatching Year Unknown 07/27/2013 Washington Caught or observed at or in nest. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus 10 years 00 months 07/24/1997 British Columbia After Hatching Year Unknown 06/21/2006 British Columbia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Scripps's Murrelet Synthliboramphus scrippsi 20 years 09 months 05/08/1996 California After Hatching Year Unknown 03/15/2016 California Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Ancient Murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus 20 years 11 months 05/19/1998 British Columbia After Second Year Unknown 05/31/2017 British Columbia Killed or caught by a predator other than a cat Dead/Left On Bird
Cassin's Auklet Ptychoramphus aleuticus 20 years 00 months 05/22/1999 California After Hatching Year Unknown 06/12/2018 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Least Auklet Aethia pusilla 19 years 01 months 07/12/2005 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 07/01/2023 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Whiskered Auklet Aethia pygmaea 15 years 00 months 06/07/1993 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 06/02/2007 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Crested Auklet Aethia cristatella 24 years 01 months 07/30/1998 Alaska Hatching Year Unknown 07/11/2022 Alaska Caught by or due to: traps or snares OTHER THAN devices used to catch birds for banding. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata 31 years 00 months 07/15/1985 British Columbia Local Unknown 07/10/2016 British Columbia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Atlantic Puffin Fratercula arctica 32 years 11 months 08/08/1977 Maine Local Unknown 07/20/2010 Maine Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Horned Puffin Fratercula corniculata 02 years 01 months 08/01/2022 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 07/25/2023 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Tufted Puffin Fratercula cirrhata 22 years 01 months 05/29/2002 British Columbia After Hatching Year Unknown 07/16/2023 British Columbia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla 24 years 11 months 08/03/1988 Alaska Local Unknown 07/31/2013 Alaska Collected as Scientific Specimen or captured for a Scientific Study. (NOT FOR BANDING) Dead/Removed
Red-legged Kittiwake Rissa brevirostris 26 years 10 months 08/19/1976 Alaska Local Unknown 06/19/2003 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Ivory Gull Pagophila eburnea 23 years 11 months 07/06/1982 Nunavut After Hatching Year Unknown 05/01/2005 Greenland Shot. Dead/Removed
Sabine's Gull Xema sabini 08 years 01 months 07/26/1983 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 07/03/1990 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Ross's Gull Rhodostethia rosea 01 years 11 months 08/08/2011 Nunavut Unknown Unknown 07/11/2013 Nunavut Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Dolphin Gull Leucophaeus scoresbii 02 years 10 months 12/17/1961 Argentina After Hatching Year Unknown 92/99/1962 Argentina Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Laughing Gull Leucophaeus atricilla 21 years 10 months 08/06/1987 Maine Local Unknown 06/02/2009 Maine Caught or found dead due to: control operations (roost bombing, gassing, avicides, wetting agents, etc.) Dead/Removed
Franklin's Gull Leucophaeus pipixcan 09 years 05 months 06/15/1963 Montana Local Unknown 11/99/1972 Montana Shot. Dead/Removed
Heermann's Gull Larus heermanni 24 years 00 months 06/21/1985 Mexico Local Female, sexed upon recapture 06/11/2009 Oregon Caught by hand. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Short-billed Gull Larus brachyrhynchus 20 years 08 months 06/15/1986 Alaska Local Unknown 02/14/2007 British Columbia Caught or found dead due to: control operations (roost bombing, gassing, avicides, wetting agents, etc.) Dead/Removed
Ring-billed Gull Larus delawarensis 31 years 06 months 06/18/1992 Ontario Local Unknown 12/04/2023 Ohio Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Western Gull Larus occidentalis 33 years 11 months 06/22/1973 California Local Unknown 05/13/2007 California Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
California Gull Larus californicus 28 years 03 months 05/27/1985 California Local Unknown 08/10/2013 California Caught due to: injury Alive - In Captivity/Left On Bird
Herring Gull Larus argentatus 29 years 03 months 06/28/1986 Wisconsin Local Unknown 09/20/2015 Michigan Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides 18 years 09 months 07/12/2003 Nunavut After Second Year Female 03/08/2020 British Columbia Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus 10 years 05 months 03/20/2015 Florida After Third Year Female 11/20/2022 North Carolina Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Glaucous-winged Gull Larus glaucescens 26 years 02 months 08/10/1993 British Columbia Local Unknown 10/25/2019 Washington Killed or caught by a predator other than a cat Dead/Removed
Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus 11 years 09 months 07/19/2006 Nunavut Local Unknown 04/05/2018 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus 26 years 09 months 07/13/1968 Massachusetts After Hatching Year Unknown 03/18/1994 New Jersey Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Kelp Gull Larus dominicanus 15 years 07 months 07/17/1962 Argentina Hatching Year Unknown 09/15/1977 Antarctica Found dead. Dead/Removed
Brown Noddy Anous stolidus 25 years 09 months 07/22/1988 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Unknown 04/14/2014 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Caught by or due to: traps or snares OTHER THAN devices used to catch birds for banding. Dead/Removed
Black Noddy Anous minutus 25 years 03 months 10/22/1966 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 09/19/1990 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Blue-gray Noddy Anous ceruleus 13 years 11 months 07/30/1966 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Unknown Unknown 06/11/1980 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White Tern Gygis alba 34 years 08 months 08/23/1981 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Unknown 04/15/2016 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Sooty Tern Onychoprion fuscatus 35 years 04 months 11/05/1975 Africa Local Unknown 03/29/2011 Africa Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Gray-backed Tern Onychoprion lunatus 26 years 10 months 06/15/1994 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Local Unknown 04/15/2021 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Found dead. Dead/Removed
Least Tern Sternula antillarum 24 years 00 months 07/05/1957 Massachusetts Local Unknown 07/08/1981 New Jersey Caught by or due to: miscellaneous animal. Dead/Unknown
Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica 20 years 00 months 05/29/1993 California Local Unknown 05/17/2013 California Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Black Tern Chlidonias niger 10 years 03 months 06/03/2004 Wisconsin After Second Year Unknown 09/02/2012 Louisiana Caught or found dead due to: control operations (roost bombing, gassing, avicides, wetting agents, etc.) Dead/Removed
Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii 28 years 01 months 07/15/1993 Massachusetts Local Unknown 08/20/2021 Massachusetts Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Common Tern Sterna hirundo 29 years 00 months 06/13/1976 Massachusetts Local Unknown 06/12/2005 Massachusetts Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea 33 years 11 months 07/24/1936 Maine Local Unknown 06/19/1970 Maine Caught or observed at or in nest. Alive - Released/Removed
Forster's Tern Sterna forsteri 15 years 10 months 06/19/1973 California Local Unknown 04/05/1989 California Caught or found dead due to: oil or tar Dead/Left On Bird
Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis 31 years 03 months 06/25/1988 North Carolina Local Unknown 09/11/2019 California Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Elegant Tern Thalasseus elegans 20 years 10 months 07/15/1989 California Local Unknown 05/05/2010 California Found dead. Dead/Removed
Black Skimmer Rynchops niger 23 years 09 months 07/23/1994 California Local Unknown 04/23/2018 California Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Scaly-naped Pigeon Patagioenas squamosa 07 years 03 months 07/30/1985 Puerto Rico Hatching Year Unknown 09/13/1992 Puerto Rico Shot. Dead/Removed
White-crowned Pigeon Patagioenas leucocephala 14 years 02 months 09/99/1972 Dominican Republic and Haiti Local Unknown 11/99/1986 Dominican Republic and Haiti Shot. Dead/Unknown
Band-tailed Pigeon Patagioenas fasciata 18 years 06 months 05/07/1968 Washington After Hatching Year Unknown 12/20/1985 Washington Found dead. Dead/Removed
Eurasian Collared-Dove Streptopelia decaocto 09 years 03 months 08/10/2002 South Carolina Hatching Year Unknown 09/23/2011 South Carolina Caught by or due to: cat Dead/Removed
Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis 07 years 08 months 06/07/1937 California After Hatching Year Unknown 02/28/1944 California Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Zebra Dove Geopelia striata 04 years 10 months 12/10/1986 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Unknown Unknown 10/31/1991 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Inca Dove Columbina inca 10 years 10 months 03/10/1979 Texas After Hatching Year Unknown 04/05/1989 Texas Caught by or due to: cat Dead/Removed
Common Ground Dove Columbina passerina 07 years 02 months 04/13/1979 Texas After Hatching Year Female 08/14/1985 Mexico Shot. Dead/Unknown
Ruddy Ground Dove Columbina talpacoti 02 years 11 months 09/20/1966 Panama Unknown Unknown 08/13/1969 Panama Found dead. Dead/Removed
White-throated Ground Dove Pampusana xanthonura 01 years 04 months 04/30/2015 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Unknown Unknown 08/07/2016 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Mariana Fruit Dove Ptilinopus roseicapilla 00 years 09 months 12/23/2015 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Unknown Unknown 09/22/2016 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-tipped Dove Leptotila verreauxi 09 years 01 months 06/03/2008 Texas After Hatching Year Unknown 07/01/2016 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-winged Dove Zenaida asiatica 21 years 09 months 08/08/1958 Arizona Hatching Year Unknown 03/10/1980 Mexico Shot. Dead/Removed
Zenaida Dove Zenaida aurita 06 years 04 months 11/27/1991 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 10/20/1996 Puerto Rico Shot. Dead/Removed
Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura 30 years 04 months 06/20/1968 Georgia Unknown Male 10/07/1998 Florida Shot. Dead/Unknown
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus 06 years 11 months 07/21/2008 Arizona Local Unknown 06/25/2015 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Mangrove Cuckoo Coccyzus minor 03 years 10 months 12/05/2015 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 04/07/2018 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus erythropthalmus 04 years 00 months 06/10/1965 Ontario Unknown Unknown 06/14/1969 Connecticut Found dead. Dead/Removed
Puerto Rican Lizard-Cuckoo Coccyzus vieilloti 08 years 00 months 01/08/2003 Puerto Rico Second Year Unknown 06/05/2010 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Greater Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus 03 years 09 months 05/07/1979 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 03/07/1982 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Smooth-billed Ani Crotophaga ani 07 years 06 months 09/20/2015 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 12/02/2021 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Groove-billed Ani Crotophaga sulcirostris 05 years 01 months 02/07/1983 Belize After Hatching Year Unknown 07/13/1987 Belize Caught due to striking or being struck by: motor vehicle. Dead/Removed
Barn Owl Tyto alba 15 years 05 months 06/06/1961 Ohio Local Unknown 11/03/1976 Ohio Shot. Dead/Removed
Flammulated Owl Psiloscops flammeolus 11 years 00 months 06/15/2013 Utah After Hatching Year Male 06/16/2023 Utah Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Western Screech-Owl Megascops kennicottii 14 years 04 months 05/09/2005 California Local Unknown 09/04/2019 California Caught due to: injury Dead/Left On Bird
Eastern Screech-Owl Megascops asio 14 years 08 months 04/01/2003 Delaware After Hatching Year Unknown 02/08/2017 Delaware Caught uninjured bird by hand Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Whiskered Screech-Owl Megascops trichopsis 04 years 11 months 06/07/2019 Arizona After Hatching Year Unknown 05/22/2023 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus 28 years 05 months 04/07/1991 Wisconsin Local Unknown 09/12/2019 Wisconsin Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus 23 years 10 months 03/20/1992 Massachusetts Second Year Female 04/05/2015 Montana Band removed (no more information) Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Northern Hawk Owl Surnia ulula 05 years 11 months 12/11/2004 Alberta Hatching Year Unknown 05/21/2010 Alberta Caught due to striking: radio, TV, high tension, etc. wires or towers, or ceilometers. Dead/Removed
Northern Pygmy-Owl Glaucidium gnoma 04 years 10 months 11/23/2019 Alberta After Hatching Year Male 04/01/2023 Alberta Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Elf Owl Micrathene whitneyi 05 years 11 months 07/02/2017 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 05/09/2022 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia 09 years 11 months 07/24/2005 California After Hatching Year Unknown 05/22/2014 California Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Spotted Owl Strix occidentalis 21 years 01 months 07/30/2001 California Hatching Year Unknown 07/18/2022 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Barred Owl Strix varia 26 years 07 months 04/13/1993 North Carolina After Hatching Year Unknown 01/17/2019 North Carolina Caught due to: injury Dead/Removed
Great Gray Owl Strix nebulosa 18 years 09 months 02/10/1996 Alberta After Second Year Unknown 03/16/2013 Alberta Caught due to striking or being struck by: motor vehicle. Dead/Left On Bird
Long-eared Owl Asio otus 12 years 01 months 04/05/1989 New York After Second Year Unknown 07/05/1999 Ontario Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus 04 years 04 months 08/05/1966 British Columbia Hatching Year Unknown 10/18/1970 California Shot. Dead/Unknown
Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus 08 years 00 months 06/01/1990 Idaho Hatching Year Male, sexed upon recapture 06/23/1998 Idaho Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Northern Saw-whet Owl Aegolius acadicus 14 years 05 months 12/05/2009 Ohio Second Year Female 11/14/2022 Pennsylvania Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Lesser Nighthawk Chordeiles acutipennis 03 years 00 months 06/17/2003 California After Second Year Male 06/03/2004 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor 09 years 00 months 06/07/1950 Ohio Unknown Female 06/26/1959 Ohio Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Common Pauraque Nyctidromus albicollis 01 years 05 months 04/22/1966 Panama Unknown Unknown 09/14/1967 Panama Shot. Dead/Removed
Common Poorwill Phalaenoptilus nuttallii 06 years 01 months 08/25/2016 Montana Unknown Male 09/14/2022 Montana Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Chuck-will's-widow Antrostomus carolinensis 14 years 10 months 04/08/1978 Florida After Hatching Year Male 04/99/1992 Dominican Republic and Haiti Shot. Dead/Removed
Eastern Whip-poor-will Antrostomus vociferus 08 years 11 months 06/06/2011 Ontario After Hatching Year Male 05/14/2019 Ontario Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black Swift Cypseloides niger 19 years 02 months 08/18/2005 Colorado After Hatching Year Unknown 08/01/2023 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Chimney Swift Chaetura pelagica 14 years 00 months 09/16/1957 Ohio After Hatching Year Male, sexed upon recapture 06/25/1970 Ohio Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Vaux's Swift Chaetura vauxi 05 years 01 months 04/13/1972 Venezuela After Hatching Year Unknown 07/11/1976 Venezuela Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-throated Swift Aeronautes saxatalis 10 years 00 months 07/06/1997 California After Hatching Year Unknown 06/15/2006 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Rivoli's Hummingbird Eugenes fulgens 11 years 00 months 06/20/1998 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 06/01/2008 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Blue-throated Mountain-gem Lampornis clemenciae 07 years 11 months 07/26/1987 Arizona Hatching Year Male 05/20/1995 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Lucifer Hummingbird Calothorax lucifer 07 years 05 months 08/16/2009 Texas After Hatching Year Male 11/03/2015 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris 09 years 02 months 08/02/2006 West Virginia After Hatching Year Female 08/08/2014 West Virginia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-chinned Hummingbird Archilochus alexandri 12 years 01 months 08/08/2008 Idaho After Hatching Year Female 07/12/2019 Idaho Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Anna's Hummingbird Calypte anna 08 years 02 months 06/06/1993 Arizona Hatching Year Male 08/26/2001 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Costa's Hummingbird Calypte costae 08 years 09 months 06/02/2001 California After Hatching Year Female 03/07/2009 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Broad-tailed Hummingbird Selasphorus platycercus 12 years 02 months 06/21/1976 Colorado After Hatching Year Female 08/12/1987 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Rufous Hummingbird Selasphorus rufus 08 years 11 months 06/17/1996 British Columbia After Hatching Year Female 05/16/2004 British Columbia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Allen's Hummingbird Selasphorus sasin 05 years 11 months 05/03/2004 California Second Year Female 05/28/2009 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Calliope Hummingbird Selasphorus calliope 10 years 01 months 06/28/2014 Idaho After Hatching Year Female 07/13/2023 Idaho Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Broad-billed Hummingbird Cynanthus latirostris 09 years 01 months 04/04/2004 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 07/13/2012 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Berylline Hummingbird Saucerottia beryllina 02 years 00 months 09/08/2019 Arizona After Hatching Year Female 06/17/2020 Arizona Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Buff-bellied Hummingbird Amazilia yucatanensis 11 years 02 months 11/18/1997 Texas After Hatching Year Male 08/25/2007 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Violet-crowned Hummingbird Ramosomyia violiceps 06 years 01 months 07/05/2006 Arizona After Hatching Year Unknown 07/24/2011 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-eared Hummingbird Basilinna leucotis 03 years 11 months 07/17/1989 Arizona After Hatching Year Female 05/30/1992 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Puerto Rican Tody Todus mexicanus 12 years 07 months 01/14/1994 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 01/08/2006 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Collared Kingfisher Todiramphus chloris 12 years 10 months 05/16/2008 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Female 04/24/2020 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Caught due to: injury Alive - In Captivity/Left On Bird
Belted Kingfisher Megaceryle alcyon 05 years 03 months 03/27/2003 Maryland After Second Year Male 09/06/2006 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Green Kingfisher Chloroceryle americana 05 years 00 months 06/23/2002 Texas After Hatching Year Male 06/26/2006 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Lewis's Woodpecker Melanerpes lewis 03 years 11 months 06/18/2014 Montana After Hatching Year Unknown 05/18/2017 Montana Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Puerto Rican Woodpecker Melanerpes portoricensis 03 years 10 months 01/10/2007 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Male 04/26/2010 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red-headed Woodpecker Melanerpes erythrocephalus 09 years 11 months 06/23/1926 Michigan After Hatching Year Unknown 05/21/1935 Michigan Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Acorn Woodpecker Melanerpes formicivorus 17 years 03 months 06/01/1992 California Local Unknown 09/17/2009 California Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Gila Woodpecker Melanerpes uropygialis 07 years 07 months 08/10/1946 Arizona Unknown Male 03/16/1954 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Golden-fronted Woodpecker Melanerpes aurifrons 05 years 11 months 04/11/2009 Texas After Third Year Male 05/03/2012 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus 12 years 03 months 03/07/2003 Georgia After Third Year Male 09/10/2012 Georgia Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Williamson's Sapsucker Sphyrapicus thyroideus 06 years 00 months 07/02/2018 New Mexico After Third Year Male 06/21/2021 New Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius 07 years 09 months 04/07/1973 New Jersey After Second Year Male 03/42/1979 South Carolina Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Red-naped Sapsucker Sphyrapicus nuchalis 07 years 01 months 06/01/2019 Alberta After Third Year Male 07/05/2023 Alberta Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red-breasted Sapsucker Sphyrapicus ruber 09 years 11 months 05/10/2014 British Columbia Second Year Unknown 05/02/2023 British Columbia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Ladder-backed Woodpecker Dryobates scalaris 05 years 11 months 06/25/2013 Arizona Second Year Male 05/15/2018 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Nuttall's Woodpecker Dryobates nuttallii 08 years 09 months 07/06/2000 California After Third Year Female 03/07/2006 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Downy Woodpecker Dryobates pubescens 11 years 11 months 04/28/1985 California After Hatching Year Male 05/19/1996 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Hairy Woodpecker Dryobates villosus 15 years 11 months 07/24/1995 New York After Hatching Year Male 05/05/2010 New York Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red-cockaded Woodpecker Dryobates borealis 15 years 10 months 09/25/1983 North Carolina Unknown Female 07/30/1999 North Carolina Found dead. Dead/Removed
White-headed Woodpecker Picoides albolarvatus 09 years 11 months 07/03/2011 Washington Local Male 06/17/2021 Washington Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
American Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides dorsalis 05 years 11 months 06/07/2015 New Mexico After Second Year Male 05/23/2019 New Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-backed Woodpecker Picoides arcticus 05 years 03 months 09/15/2017 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 09/07/2021 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus 09 years 02 months 03/31/1965 Florida After Hatching Year Male 08/99/1973 Florida Found dead. Dead/Removed
Gilded Flicker Colaptes chrysoides 06 years 00 months 10/07/1963 Arizona Unknown Unknown 10/99/1969 Arizona Found dead. Dead/Removed
Pileated Woodpecker Dryocopus pileatus 12 years 11 months 05/18/1979 Maryland After Hatching Year Male 05/10/1991 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Crested Caracara Caracara plancus 25 years 00 months 05/02/1996 Florida After Hatching Year Unknown 06/15/2020 Florida Hit by motor vehicle or found dead or injured on road Dead/Removed
American Kestrel Falco sparverius 14 years 08 months 11/30/1987 Utah After Hatching Year Male 02/05/2001 Utah Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Merlin Falco columbarius 11 years 11 months 09/30/1982 New York After Hatching Year Male 05/99/1993 New Brunswick Caught due to striking: stationary object other than wires or towers. Dead/Removed
Aplomado Falcon Falco femoralis 08 years 08 months 07/15/2002 Texas Hatching Year Female 02/06/2011 Texas Found dead or injured on highway. Dead/Removed
Gyrfalcon Falco rusticolus 15 years 09 months 01/18/2003 Wisconsin After Third Year Male 03/03/2016 Wisconsin Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus 20 years 05 months 06/04/2003 Minnesota Local Female 11/01/2023 Iowa Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Prairie Falcon Falco mexicanus 17 years 03 months 06/14/1975 Alberta Local Male 09/23/1992 Montana Caught by or due to: hawks, owls, or other raptors. Dead/Removed
Orange-fronted Parakeet Eupsittula canicularis 02 years 06 months 12/05/1991 Puerto Rico Unknown Unknown 06/08/1994 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet Camptostoma imberbe 04 years 09 months 03/15/1979 Arizona After Hatching Year Unknown 83/99/1983 Arizona Caught due to striking or being struck by: motor vehicle. Dead/Left On Bird
Caribbean Elaenia Elaenia martinica 13 years 07 months 01/17/1992 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 01/11/2005 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Olive-sided Flycatcher Contopus cooperi 11 years 01 months 07/13/1993 California After Hatching Year Unknown 07/30/2003 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Western Wood-Pewee Contopus sordidulus 08 years 01 months 07/24/1995 California After Hatching Year Female 07/02/2002 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Eastern Wood-Pewee Contopus virens 10 years 00 months 06/13/2014 Ohio After Hatching Year Male 06/22/2023 Ohio Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Lesser Antillean Pewee Contopus latirostris 03 years 11 months 01/05/2007 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 05/06/2010 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Empidonax flaviventris 05 years 02 months 07/08/2006 New York After Second Year Female 08/25/2009 New York Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Acadian Flycatcher Empidonax virescens 12 years 01 months 05/04/1996 Louisiana After Hatching Year Female 07/10/2007 Louisiana Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Alder Flycatcher Empidonax alnorum 10 years 01 months 07/27/1996 Alberta After Hatching Year Unknown 07/21/2005 Alberta Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Willow Flycatcher Empidonax traillii 11 years 00 months 07/29/2001 California After Second Year Female 06/25/2010 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Least Flycatcher Empidonax minimus 10 years 01 months 07/15/2010 Alberta After Second Year Unknown 07/24/2018 Alberta Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Hammond's Flycatcher Empidonax hammondii 07 years 00 months 07/13/1992 Oregon After Hatching Year Female 06/21/1998 Oregon Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Gray Flycatcher Empidonax wrightii 04 years 00 months 06/14/2008 New Mexico After Hatching Year Male 06/09/2011 New Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Dusky Flycatcher Empidonax oberholseri 11 years 01 months 08/06/2008 Idaho Hatching Year Unknown 07/25/2019 Idaho Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Western Flycatcher Empidonax difficilis 07 years 00 months 06/01/2008 Wyoming Second Year Male 06/14/2014 Wyoming Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black Phoebe Sayornis nigricans 08 years 00 months 05/05/1974 California After Hatching Year Female, sexed upon recapture 06/06/1981 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Eastern Phoebe Sayornis phoebe 10 years 04 months 10/10/1979 Iowa Hatching Year Unknown 10/15/1989 Alberta Caught by or due to: cat Dead/Removed
Say's Phoebe Sayornis saya 04 years 11 months 05/24/2020 Colorado After Second Year Female 05/20/2023 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Vermilion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus rubinus 05 years 06 months 10/17/1968 Mexico After Hatching Year Male 92/99/1972 Mexico Shot. Dead/Removed
Dusky-capped Flycatcher Myiarchus tuberculifer 02 years 11 months 04/99/2005 Nicaragua Unknown Unknown 03/16/2008 Nicaragua Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Ash-throated Flycatcher Myiarchus cinerascens 11 years 11 months 04/23/1997 California After Hatching Year Unknown 05/22/2008 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Great Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus 14 years 11 months 08/24/1953 New Jersey After Hatching Year Unknown 05/30/1967 Vermont Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Brown-crested Flycatcher Myiarchus tyrannulus 11 years 00 months 05/17/1979 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 06/15/1989 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Puerto Rican Flycatcher Myiarchus antillarum 13 years 07 months 01/12/1992 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 01/11/2005 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus 06 years 11 months 03/08/1997 Texas After Second Year Male 05/14/2002 Texas Found dead. Dead/Removed
Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus 17 years 06 months 11/28/2002 Mexico Unknown Unknown 05/27/2020 Mexico Hit by motor vehicle or found dead or injured on road Dead/Removed
Cassin's Kingbird Tyrannus vociferans 02 years 00 months 05/22/1941 California After Hatching Year Male 06/13/1942 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Western Kingbird Tyrannus verticalis 06 years 11 months 05/26/1935 South Dakota After Hatching Year Unknown 05/30/1941 South Dakota Shot. Dead/Unknown
Eastern Kingbird Tyrannus tyrannus 11 years 11 months 05/07/2011 Illinois After Hatching Year Male 05/19/2022 Illinois Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Gray Kingbird Tyrannus dominicensis 06 years 10 months 04/27/2013 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Female 04/27/2019 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Loggerhead Kingbird Tyrannus caudifasciatus 01 years 03 months 11/05/1989 Bahama Islands Unknown Unknown 02/10/1991 Bahama Islands Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus forficatus 04 years 01 months 06/25/2019 Texas After Second Year Female 07/06/2021 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Wattled Honeyeater Foulehaio carunculatus 03 years 08 months 01/20/2017 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Second Year Male 02/12/2019 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Micronesian Myzomela Myzomela rubratra 02 years 10 months 10/08/2016 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Male 04/24/2018 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus 11 years 09 months 06/24/1998 California Local Male, sexed upon recapture 03/30/2010 California Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Removed
Northern Shrike Lanius borealis 08 years 07 months 03/17/2006 Wisconsin After Second Year Female 01/08/2013 Wisconsin Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-eyed Vireo Vireo griseus 10 years 11 months 05/27/1998 Louisiana After Second Year Male 05/29/2007 Louisiana Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Puerto Rican Vireo Vireo latimeri 16 years 10 months 01/27/1981 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 04/08/1997 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bell's Vireo Vireo bellii 09 years 01 months 06/13/1999 California Hatching Year Unknown 07/10/2008 California Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-capped Vireo Vireo atricapilla 12 years 00 months 07/09/1998 Texas After Second Year Male 06/23/2008 Texas Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Gray Vireo Vireo vicinior 06 years 01 months 07/16/2018 New Mexico After Hatching Year Female 07/26/2023 New Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Yellow-throated Vireo Vireo flavifrons 05 years 11 months 06/01/1968 Illinois After Hatching Year Unknown 05/15/1973 Illinois Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Plumbeous Vireo Vireo plumbeus 05 years 03 months 09/01/2016 New Mexico After Hatching Year Unknown 09/11/2020 New Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Cassin's Vireo Vireo cassinii 05 years 02 months 08/04/2017 Idaho After Hatching Year Unknown 08/26/2021 Idaho Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Blue-headed Vireo Vireo solitarius 06 years 06 months 05/15/1962 Ontario Unknown Unknown 11/01/1968 Guatemala Shot. Dead/Unknown
Hutton's Vireo Vireo huttoni 13 years 06 months 06/16/1993 California Hatching Year Unknown 12/07/2006 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Warbling Vireo Vireo gilvus 13 years 01 months 06/16/1966 California After Hatching Year Male 07/16/1978 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Philadelphia Vireo Vireo philadelphicus 08 years 10 months 08/28/1962 Ontario After Hatching Year Unknown 04/13/1970 Guatemala Shot. Dead/Removed
Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus 12 years 00 months 07/12/2002 Minnesota After Hatching Year Male 06/12/2013 Minnesota Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Yellow-green Vireo Vireo flavoviridis 03 years 01 months 05/02/1981 Costa Rica After Hatching Year Unknown 07/06/1983 Costa Rica Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-whiskered Vireo Vireo altiloquus 02 years 00 months 05/15/1990 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 06/21/1991 Puerto Rico Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons 11 years 01 months 06/27/2008 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 03/09/2018 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Tinian Monarch Monarcha takatsukasae 02 years 08 months 10/06/2021 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Female 02/10/2023 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Canada Jay Perisoreus canadensis 17 years 00 months 08/16/1985 Colorado Unknown Unknown 08/30/2002 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Green Jay Cyanocorax yncas 11 years 07 months 03/07/1997 Texas After Second Year Unknown 01/99/2007 Texas Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Pinyon Jay Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus 14 years 07 months 05/23/1972 Arizona After Second Year Male 01/28/1985 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Steller's Jay Cyanocitta stelleri 16 years 01 months 09/23/1972 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 07/30/1987 Alaska Found dead. Dead/Removed
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata 26 years 11 months 10/19/1989 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Hatching Year Unknown 05/24/2016 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Caught by or due to: entanglement in fishing gear Dead/Removed
Florida Scrub-Jay Aphelocoma coerulescens 15 years 10 months 06/22/2001 Florida Hatching Year Unknown 04/25/2017 Florida Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Island Scrub-Jay Aphelocoma insularis 16 years 00 months 06/05/1982 California After Hatching Year Male 06/01/1997 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Western Scrub Jay Aphelocoma californica 15 years 09 months 06/24/1932 California Hatching Year Unknown 03/18/1948 California Caught due to disease. Dead/Unknown
Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay Aphelocoma woodhouseii 00 years 10 months 08/20/2022 Utah Hatching Year Unknown 04/28/2023 Utah Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Mexican Jay Aphelocoma wollweberi 17 years 08 months 05/31/1969 Arizona Local Male, sexed upon recapture 01/99/1987 Arizona Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Clark's Nutcracker Nucifraga columbiana 17 years 05 months 08/04/1952 Oregon Hatching Year Unknown 11/13/1969 Oregon Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Black-billed Magpie Pica hudsonia 09 years 05 months 10/24/2013 Saskatchewan After Hatching Year Unknown 11/11/2021 Saskatchewan Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Yellow-billed Magpie Pica nuttalli 09 years 11 months 02/21/1970 California After Second Year Female 05/19/1978 California Found dead. Dead/Removed
American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos 18 years 04 months 02/08/2006 Washington After Second Year Female 10/19/2022 Washington Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Fish Crow Corvus ossifragus 13 years 09 months 03/31/1922 Louisiana Unknown Unknown 12/99/1935 Louisiana Caught by or due to: traps or snares OTHER THAN devices used to catch birds for banding. Dead/Unknown
Chihuahuan Raven Corvus cryptoleucus 21 years 09 months 12/24/1980 Arizona After Hatching Year Unknown 03/03/2001 Arizona Caught by hand. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Common Raven Corvus corax 22 years 06 months 07/31/1978 Nova Scotia Hatching Year Unknown 99/99/2001 Nova Scotia Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Kauai Elepaio Chasiempis sclateri 07 years 06 months 12/09/2015 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Hatching Year Unknown 12/10/2022 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Oahu Elepaio Chasiempis ibidis 16 years 08 months 02/19/2008 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Third Year Male 02/17/2022 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Hawaii Elepaio Chasiempis sandwichensis 17 years 10 months 06/26/1988 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Second Year Female 04/30/2004 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris 07 years 11 months 08/02/1976 Colorado After Hatching Year Male 05/26/1983 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Purple Martin Progne subis 13 years 09 months 07/01/1933 Illinois Hatching Year Unknown 83/99/1947 Illinois Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Tree Swallow Tachycineta bicolor 12 years 01 months 06/14/1986 Ontario Local Unknown 07/03/1998 Ontario Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Violet-green Swallow Tachycineta thalassina 09 years 01 months 05/07/1985 California After Hatching Year Male 07/17/1993 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx serripennis 07 years 01 months 07/05/2017 Colorado After Hatching Year Male 07/06/2023 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bank Swallow Riparia riparia 08 years 00 months 06/13/1961 Wisconsin After Hatching Year Unknown 06/15/1968 Wisconsin Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon pyrrhonota 11 years 10 months 07/03/1993 Nebraska After Hatching Year Male 04/29/2004 California Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Cave Swallow Petrochelidon fulva 12 years 02 months 10/21/1993 New Mexico Hatching Year Unknown 08/11/2005 New Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 10 years 00 months 05/03/2006 Maryland After Hatching Year Female 06/06/2015 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Carolina Chickadee Poecile carolinensis 10 years 03 months 11/04/1963 West Virginia Unknown Unknown 02/08/1974 West Virginia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-capped Chickadee Poecile atricapillus 11 years 09 months 11/19/2009 New York Hatching Year Unknown 03/24/2021 New York Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Mountain Chickadee Poecile gambeli 10 years 01 months 05/13/1965 Utah After Hatching Year Male 07/06/1974 Utah Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Chestnut-backed Chickadee Poecile rufescens 09 years 06 months 07/12/1992 California Hatching Year Unknown 12/31/2001 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Boreal Chickadee Poecile hudsonicus 07 years 01 months 06/25/2016 Alberta After Second Year Female 07/12/2021 Alberta Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bridled Titmouse Baeolophus wollweberi 06 years 07 months 08/03/1968 Arizona After Hatching Year Unknown 01/13/1974 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Oak Titmouse Baeolophus inornatus 09 years 00 months 08/26/1956 California After Hatching Year Unknown 06/04/1964 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Juniper Titmouse Baeolophus ridgwayi 04 years 02 months 06/17/2008 New Mexico After Hatching Year Female 08/08/2011 New Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Tufted Titmouse Baeolophus bicolor 12 years 05 months 04/19/1962 Virginia Unknown Unknown 09/10/1974 Virginia Caught due to: injury Dead/Removed
Black-crested Titmouse Baeolophus atricristatus 07 years 11 months 01/28/2012 Texas After Second Year Unknown 05/06/2018 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Verdin Auriparus flaviceps 04 years 11 months 07/07/2015 Arizona After Second Year Female 05/15/2018 Arizona Banding Mortality: due to trap, holding device, or handling. Dead/Unknown
Bushtit Psaltriparus minimus 09 years 01 months 06/04/2000 California After Hatching Year Female 07/03/2008 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red-breasted Nuthatch Sitta canadensis 07 years 02 months 02/19/1983 New York After Hatching Year Male 08/99/1989 New York Caught by or due to: cat Dead/Removed
White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis 09 years 09 months 01/28/1962 Colorado After Hatching Year Unknown 03/31/1971 Colorado Found dead. Dead/Removed
Pygmy Nuthatch Sitta pygmaea 06 years 03 months 09/16/2016 Nebraska After Hatching Year Unknown 09/30/2021 Nebraska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Brown-headed Nuthatch Sitta pusilla 05 years 03 months 12/29/1954 Alabama Unknown Unknown 03/26/1960 Alabama Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Brown Creeper Certhia americana 05 years 05 months 10/08/2005 Illinois Hatching Year Unknown 11/06/2010 Illinois Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Rock Wren Salpinctes obsoletus 02 years 11 months 05/27/2015 Utah After Second Year Female 05/23/2016 Utah Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Canyon Wren Catherpes mexicanus 04 years 10 months 10/30/2011 Arizona After Hatching Year Female 04/05/2015 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
House Wren Troglodytes aedon 09 years 00 months 06/19/1984 New York Local Unknown 06/17/1993 New York Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Pacific Wren Troglodytes pacificus 06 years 06 months 05/01/2003 California After Hatching Year Female 12/16/2008 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Sedge Wren Cistothorus stellaris 04 years 06 months 03/31/2018 Texas After Second Year Unknown 12/15/2020 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Marsh Wren Cistothorus palustris 03 years 11 months 09/08/2013 British Columbia After Hatching Year Unknown 05/06/2016 British Columbia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus 09 years 02 months 10/29/2011 North Carolina After Hatching Year Male, sexed upon recapture 08/09/2019 North Carolina Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bewick's Wren Thryomanes bewickii 08 years 00 months 07/02/1978 California Hatching Year Unknown 06/11/1986 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Cactus Wren Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus 08 years 01 months 07/15/2006 California After Hatching Year Male 07/17/2013 California Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Polioptila caerulea 06 years 03 months 09/28/2017 Colorado After Hatching Year Unknown 09/22/2022 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
California Gnatcatcher Polioptila californica 01 years 10 months 05/09/1996 California After Hatching Year Male 04/18/1997 California Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher Polioptila melanura 03 years 11 months 05/16/2013 Arizona After Second Year Male 05/29/2015 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-capped Gnatcatcher Polioptila nigriceps 01 years 06 months 07/12/2004 Arizona Hatching Year Unknown 12/13/2005 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
American Dipper Cinclus mexicanus 08 years 01 months 04/19/2005 South Dakota After Hatching Year Female 07/04/2012 South Dakota Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus 04 years 00 months 03/06/1965 Florida After Hatching Year Unknown 06/05/1968 Florida Collected as Scientific Specimen or captured for a Scientific Study. (NOT FOR BANDING) Dead/Removed
Golden-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa 06 years 04 months 10/20/1971 Minnesota After Hatching Year Male 10/06/1976 Minnesota Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Corthylio calendula 08 years 08 months 12/13/2008 Texas Hatching Year Female 02/25/2017 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis 04 years 01 months 06/23/2016 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 07/07/2019 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Wrentit Chamaea fasciata 13 years 07 months 04/27/2002 California Local Unknown 11/16/2015 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Warbling White-eye Zosterops japonicus 08 years 09 months 07/09/2005 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 03/04/2013 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red-billed Leiothrix Leiothrix lutea 04 years 06 months 05/15/2019 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Female 12/01/2022 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Millerbird Acrocephalus familiaris 03 years 11 months 09/24/1964 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Unknown Unknown 08/25/1968 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Nightingale Reed Warbler Acrocephalus luscinius 01 years 11 months 05/23/2015 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Unknown Unknown 04/17/2017 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Golden White-eye Cleptornis marchei 11 years 06 months 06/20/2008 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Second Year Unknown 12/07/2017 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bridled White-eye Zosterops conspicillatus 07 years 01 months 02/05/2012 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 03/02/2018 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe 02 years 11 months 07/09/2007 Nunavut After Hatching Year Female 05/14/2009 Europe Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis 10 years 06 months 05/23/1989 New York Local Unknown 11/30/1999 South Carolina Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Western Bluebird Sialia mexicana 08 years 08 months 04/29/2001 California After Second Year Male 02/21/2008 California Caught due to: injury Dead/Left On Bird
Mountain Bluebird Sialia currucoides 09 years 00 months 06/15/1997 Alberta After Hatching Year Female 06/06/2005 Alberta Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Townsend's Solitaire Myadestes townsendi 02 years 02 months 06/09/2016 British Columbia Second Year Female 08/11/2017 British Columbia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Omao Myadestes obscurus 06 years 01 months 04/29/2019 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Second Year Female 07/14/2023 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Puaiohi Myadestes palmeri 02 years 07 months 03/28/2021 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Second Year Unknown 01/16/2023 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Veery Catharus fuscescens 13 years 00 months 06/06/1999 Delaware After Second Year Male 06/11/2010 Delaware Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Gray-cheeked Thrush Catharus minimus 07 years 00 months 06/25/2016 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon After Hatching Year Male 06/22/2022 Newfoundland and Labrador and St. Pierre et Miquelon Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bicknell's Thrush Catharus bicknelli 11 years 11 months 07/23/1997 Vermont Second Year Male 05/30/2008 Vermont Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Swainson's Thrush Catharus ustulatus 12 years 01 months 08/05/1994 Montana Hatching Year Unknown 07/15/2006 Montana Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus 10 years 10 months 03/09/1999 Maryland Second Year Unknown 04/12/2009 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina 10 years 02 months 06/13/2002 Connecticut After Second Year Male 08/04/2010 Connecticut Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Clay-colored Thrush Turdus grayi 07 years 04 months 11/29/2015 Texas After Hatching Year Unknown 10/08/2021 Texas Caught by or due to: cat Dead/Left On Bird
American Robin Turdus migratorius 13 years 11 months 01/11/1962 California After Hatching Year Male 05/26/1975 California Found dead. Dead/Removed
Red-legged Thrush Turdus plumbeus 14 years 07 months 01/18/1992 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 01/08/2006 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Varied Thrush Ixoreus naevius 04 years 09 months 01/19/1978 California After Hatching Year Male 03/03/1982 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Gray Catbird Dumetella carolinensis 17 years 11 months 05/13/1984 Maryland Second Year Unknown 05/04/2001 New Jersey Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Pearly-eyed Thrasher Margarops fuscatus 10 years 07 months 01/06/1989 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 01/28/1999 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Curve-billed Thrasher Toxostoma curvirostre 10 years 09 months 02/03/1936 Arizona After Hatching Year Unknown 03/30/1946 Arizona Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Brown Thrasher Toxostoma rufum 10 years 07 months 10/04/1967 Florida Unknown Unknown 05/06/1978 Florida Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Long-billed Thrasher Toxostoma longirostre 09 years 04 months 05/21/2007 Texas After Hatching Year Male 10/04/2015 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bendire's Thrasher Toxostoma bendirei 09 years 06 months 09/03/2001 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 12/10/2009 Arizona Caught by or due to: traps or snares OTHER THAN devices used to catch birds for banding. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
California Thrasher Toxostoma redivivum 09 years 02 months 06/11/2005 California After Hatching Year Unknown 08/17/2013 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Le Conte's Thrasher Toxostoma lecontei 05 years 08 months 02/01/1969 California After Hatching Year Male 02/10/1974 California Found dead. Dead/Removed
Crissal Thrasher Toxostoma crissale 04 years 05 months 07/27/1941 Arizona After Hatching Year Unknown 11/06/1944 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos 14 years 10 months 05/01/1986 Texas After Hatching Year Unknown 04/22/2000 Texas Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Micronesian Starling Aplonis opaca 04 years 11 months 04/22/2014 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Male 05/02/2018 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
European Starling Sturnus vulgaris 15 years 03 months 02/18/1958 Tennessee After Hatching Year Male 93/99/1972 Tennessee Bird caught or found dead in building or enclosure. Dead/Removed
Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus 01 years 10 months 07/14/1960 British Columbia Local Unknown 05/16/1962 British Columbia Caught by or due to: cat Dead/Unknown
American Pipit Anthus rubescens 04 years 01 months 06/29/1939 New Hampshire Unknown Female 07/02/1943 New Hampshire Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Sprague's Pipit Anthus spragueii 01 years 11 months 06/10/2017 North Dakota After Hatching Year Male 05/23/2018 North Dakota Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bohemian Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus 05 years 10 months 02/19/1968 Saskatchewan After Hatching Year Unknown 04/99/1973 British Columbia Caught due to striking: stationary object other than wires or towers. Dead/Removed
Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum 07 years 02 months 08/12/2008 Maryland Second Year Male 08/14/2014 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Phainopepla Phainopepla nitens 03 years 10 months 11/04/2009 California After Hatching Year Female 04/09/2012 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Lapland Longspur Calcarius lapponicus 04 years 11 months 07/15/1963 Alaska Local Unknown 06/03/1968 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Chestnut-collared Longspur Calcarius ornatus 05 years 00 months 06/17/2015 Alberta Second Year Male 06/30/2019 Alberta Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Smith's Longspur Calcarius pictus 03 years 00 months 06/28/2009 Alaska Hatching Year Unknown 06/05/2012 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis 08 years 03 months 12/27/1970 Alaska Unknown Male 03/19/1979 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
McKay's Bunting Plectrophenax hyperboreus 04 years 09 months 03/01/1972 Alaska After Hatching Year Female 03/23/1976 Alaska Banding Mortality: due to trap, holding device, or handling. Dead/Removed
Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla 11 years 01 months 05/27/2011 Pennsylvania After Second Year Female 07/14/2020 Pennsylvania Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Worm-eating Warbler Helmitheros vermivorum 08 years 11 months 06/05/2014 Maryland After Hatching Year Male 05/05/2022 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Louisiana Waterthrush Parkesia motacilla 11 years 11 months 05/05/1995 New Jersey After Hatching Year Male 05/01/2006 New Jersey Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Northern Waterthrush Parkesia noveboracensis 10 years 01 months 07/14/2012 Alberta After Second Year Male 07/09/2020 Alberta Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Golden-winged Warbler Vermivora chrysoptera 09 years 00 months 05/10/2005 Ontario After Second Year Male 06/99/2012 Ontario Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Blue-winged Warbler Vermivora cyanoptera 09 years 11 months 08/15/2010 Ontario After Hatching Year Male 05/30/2019 Ontario Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta varia 11 years 07 months 01/09/1995 Puerto Rico Second Year Female 01/08/2006 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea 09 years 01 months 05/22/1996 Virginia Local Unknown 06/22/2005 Virginia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Swainson's Warbler Limnothlypis swainsonii 11 years 00 months 07/13/2009 South Carolina After Second Year Male 06/14/2018 South Carolina Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Tennessee Warbler Leiothlypis peregrina 06 years 06 months 11/11/2012 Costa Rica After Hatching Year Male 12/01/2017 Costa Rica Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Orange-crowned Warbler Leiothlypis celata 08 years 09 months 05/12/2009 California Local Unknown 02/14/2018 California Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Lucy's Warbler Leiothlypis luciae 08 years 01 months 07/05/2012 Arizona Second Year Male 07/02/2019 Arizona Miscellaneous. Method of recovery not covered by other codes. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Nashville Warbler Leiothlypis ruficapilla 10 years 02 months 08/28/1993 Ontario Hatching Year Male 08/01/2003 Ontario Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Virginia's Warbler Leiothlypis virginiae 06 years 03 months 08/26/2002 Colorado Hatching Year Male 09/14/2008 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Connecticut Warbler Oporornis agilis 06 years 11 months 06/04/2012 Québec After Hatching Year Male 05/31/2018 Québec Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
MacGillivray's Warbler Geothlypis tolmiei 10 years 11 months 07/09/2004 California After Second Year Male 05/10/2013 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Mourning Warbler Geothlypis philadelphia 09 years 00 months 06/23/2010 Minnesota After Hatching Year Male 06/20/2018 Minnesota Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Kentucky Warbler Geothlypis formosa 11 years 11 months 05/24/2010 Alabama After Second Year Male 05/13/2020 Alabama Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Common Yellowthroat Geothlypis trichas 11 years 10 months 05/18/2007 Virginia Second Year Male 04/29/2018 Virginia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Hooded Warbler Setophaga citrina 08 years 01 months 06/01/1997 Louisiana After Hatching Year Male 07/03/2004 Louisiana Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla 10 years 01 months 05/26/1995 Ontario Second Year Male 07/06/2004 Ontario Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Kirtland's Warbler Setophaga kirtlandii 09 years 00 months 06/17/1941 Michigan After Hatching Year Male 06/11/1949 Michigan Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Cape May Warbler Setophaga tigrina 09 years 03 months 09/27/2013 Maryland Hatching Year Female 09/13/2022 Pennsylvania Caught due to striking: stationary object other than wires or towers. Dead/Left On Bird
Cerulean Warbler Setophaga cerulea 06 years 00 months 06/10/2012 Connecticut Second Year Female 06/13/2017 Connecticut Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Northern Parula Setophaga americana 05 years 11 months 05/05/2010 Maryland After Second Year Female 05/05/2014 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Magnolia Warbler Setophaga magnolia 08 years 11 months 05/21/2005 Ontario Second Year Male 05/17/2013 Ontario Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bay-breasted Warbler Setophaga castanea 04 years 11 months 09/18/1987 Maryland Hatching Year Unknown 05/14/1992 Ontario Caught due to striking: stationary object other than wires or towers. Dead/Removed
Blackburnian Warbler Setophaga fusca 08 years 02 months 09/11/1976 Minnesota Hatching Year Male, sexed upon recapture 08/03/1984 Minnesota Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Yellow Warbler Setophaga petechia 11 years 00 months 06/11/2001 New York After Hatching Year Female 06/15/2011 New York Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Chestnut-sided Warbler Setophaga pensylvanica 08 years 00 months 06/05/2010 Minnesota Second Year Male 06/15/2017 Minnesota Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Blackpoll Warbler Setophaga striata 08 years 01 months 08/02/1999 Alaska After Hatching Year Male 07/18/2006 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-throated Blue Warbler Setophaga caerulescens 09 years 06 months 08/24/1975 New Jersey Unknown Female 02/99/1985 Panama Shot. Dead/Unknown
Palm Warbler Setophaga palmarum 05 years 10 months 01/20/2013 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 04/07/2018 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Pine Warbler Setophaga pinus 07 years 10 months 04/14/2006 Florida After Hatching Year Female 04/05/2013 Florida Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Yellow-rumped Warbler Setophaga coronata 10 years 00 months 07/15/1998 Wyoming After Second Year Female 06/07/2006 Wyoming Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Yellow-throated Warbler Setophaga dominica 06 years 10 months 04/07/2012 Alabama Second Year Male 04/15/2018 Ohio Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Prairie Warbler Setophaga discolor 10 years 03 months 05/14/2012 Massachusetts After Second Year Male 09/13/2020 Massachusetts Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Adelaide's Warbler Setophaga adelaidae 10 years 07 months 01/11/1992 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 01/06/2002 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-throated Gray Warbler Setophaga nigrescens 02 years 01 months 05/24/2010 Colorado After Hatching Year Female 07/28/2011 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Townsend's Warbler Setophaga townsendi 10 years 08 months 03/27/1993 California After Second Year Male 02/02/2002 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Hermit Warbler Setophaga occidentalis 09 years 01 months 07/02/1998 California Second Year Female 07/17/2006 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Golden-cheeked Warbler Setophaga chrysoparia 10 years 11 months 04/18/2006 Texas After Second Year Male 05/09/2015 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-throated Green Warbler Setophaga virens 05 years 02 months 07/24/2015 Maine After Second Year Male 08/01/2018 Maine Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Canada Warbler Cardellina canadensis 10 years 00 months 08/02/2006 Minnesota After Hatching Year Male, sexed upon recapture 06/03/2015 Minnesota Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Wilson's Warbler Cardellina pusilla 08 years 11 months 05/28/2000 California After Hatching Year Male 05/08/2008 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Painted Redstart Myioborus pictus 06 years 07 months 01/30/1975 Arizona After Hatching Year Male, sexed upon recapture 01/03/1981 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Yellow-breasted Chat Icteria virens 11 years 11 months 07/02/2006 Arizona After Second Year Female 05/14/2016 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bananaquit Coereba flaveola 08 years 07 months 01/05/2001 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Unknown 01/11/2009 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Puerto Rican Tanager Nesospingus speculiferus 03 years 06 months 12/19/1989 Puerto Rico Unknown Unknown 06/16/1993 Puerto Rico Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Puerto Rican Spindalis Spindalis portoricensis 03 years 10 months 01/09/2006 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Male 04/29/2009 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-collared Seedeater Sporophila torqueola 11 years 08 months 03/08/1965 Belize After Hatching Year Female 02/13/1976 Belize Found dead or injured on highway. Dead/Unknown
Cuban Grassquit Phonipara canora 03 years 01 months 12/03/1999 Cuba Unknown Male 01/14/2003 Cuba Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Black-faced Grassquit Melanospiza bicolor 06 years 04 months 04/11/2011 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Female 10/08/2016 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Puerto Rican Bullfinch Melopyrrha portoricensis 15 years 07 months 01/06/1994 Puerto Rico Second Year Unknown 01/08/2009 Puerto Rico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Saffron Finch Sicalis flaveola 01 years 11 months 03/02/2022 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 05/23/2023 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Olive Sparrow Arremonops rufivirgatus 08 years 03 months 04/12/1992 Texas After Hatching Year Unknown 09/28/1999 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Green-tailed Towhee Pipilo chlorurus 07 years 05 months 09/16/1972 Arizona Unknown Unknown 02/17/1980 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Spotted Towhee Pipilo maculatus 11 years 01 months 06/25/2013 California Second Year Female 07/08/2023 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Eastern Towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus 09 years 03 months 09/11/2004 Maryland Hatching Year Female 09/29/2013 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Rufous-crowned Sparrow Aimophila ruficeps 07 years 00 months 06/14/2013 Arizona Second Year Male 06/12/2019 Arizona Miscellaneous. Method of recovery not covered by other codes. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Canyon Towhee Melozone fusca 07 years 02 months 08/15/1992 Texas After Hatching Year Male 08/21/1998 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
California Towhee Melozone crissalis 12 years 10 months 07/12/1973 California Hatching Year Male, sexed upon recapture 04/25/1986 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Abert's Towhee Melozone aberti 08 years 11 months 06/25/2009 Arizona Second Year Male 05/02/2017 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Rufous-winged Sparrow Peucaea carpalis 06 years 00 months 08/01/2009 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 06/16/2014 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Botteri's Sparrow Peucaea botterii 02 years 00 months 07/28/1982 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 06/11/1983 Arizona Banding Mortality: due to trap, holding device, or handling. Dead/Left On Bird
Cassin's Sparrow Peucaea cassinii 03 years 00 months 05/23/2019 Colorado After Hatching Year Male 06/25/2021 Colorado Collected as Scientific Specimen or captured for a Scientific Study. (NOT FOR BANDING) Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bachman's Sparrow Peucaea aestivalis 03 years 11 months 07/25/2005 Texas After Hatching Year Male 05/30/2008 Texas Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
American Tree Sparrow Spizelloides arborea 10 years 09 months 01/29/1973 Connecticut After Hatching Year Unknown 03/31/1983 Connecticut Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina 10 years 11 months 09/10/1987 Ontario Hatching Year Unknown 05/13/1998 Ontario Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Clay-colored Sparrow Spizella pallida 07 years 11 months 05/25/2011 Alberta Second Year Male 05/19/2018 Alberta Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Brewer's Sparrow Spizella breweri 05 years 02 months 08/04/1981 Colorado After Hatching Year Unknown 08/28/1985 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Field Sparrow Spizella pusilla 10 years 11 months 05/16/2010 Maryland After Second Year Male 05/22/2019 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Vesper Sparrow Pooecetes gramineus 07 years 01 months 06/29/1980 Colorado After Hatching Year Male 07/24/1986 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Lark Sparrow Chondestes grammacus 09 years 11 months 05/10/2008 Ohio After Hatching Year Male 05/18/2017 Ohio Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-throated Sparrow Amphispiza bilineata 06 years 01 months 07/13/2017 New Mexico After Hatching Year Male 07/14/2022 New Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Sagebrush Sparrow Artemisiospiza nevadensis 05 years 09 months 01/20/2007 New Mexico After Second Year Unknown 03/02/2011 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bell's Sparrow Artemisiospiza belli 09 years 03 months 04/21/2001 California Local Male, sexed upon recapture 07/07/2010 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - In Captivity/Unknown
Royal Tern Thalasseus maximus 31 years 11 months 06/28/1990 North Carolina Local Unknown 05/14/2022 North Carolina Caught due to: injury Dead/Removed
Lark Bunting Calamospiza melanocorys 04 years 10 months 12/13/1969 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 04/10/1973 Arizona Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis 10 years 05 months 01/13/2006 California After Second Year Unknown 11/05/2014 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Grasshopper Sparrow Ammodramus savannarum 10 years 00 months 06/11/2014 Maryland After Hatching Year Male 06/08/2023 Maryland Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Baird's Sparrow Centronyx bairdii 05 years 08 months 02/04/2014 Mexico After Hatching Year Unknown 02/01/2019 Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Henslow's Sparrow Centronyx henslowii 06 years 06 months 12/10/1996 Louisiana After Hatching Year Unknown 12/12/2001 Louisiana Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
LeConte's Sparrow Ammospiza leconteii 04 years 01 months 08/05/2003 Michigan Hatching Year Unknown 07/09/2007 Michigan Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Nelson's Sparrow Ammospiza nelsoni 10 years 00 months 07/29/2008 Maine Second Year Male 06/28/2017 Maine Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Saltmarsh Sparrow Ammospiza caudacuta 09 years 02 months 07/15/2004 Connecticut After Hatching Year Male 08/01/2012 Connecticut Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Seaside Sparrow Ammospiza maritima 10 years 01 months 06/13/2012 Louisiana Hatching Year Male 07/08/2022 Louisiana Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Unknown/Left On Bird
Fox Sparrow Passerella iliaca 10 years 04 months 09/29/1993 California Hatching Year Unknown 10/23/2003 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia 11 years 04 months 10/07/1963 Colorado After Hatching Year Unknown 10/18/1973 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Lincoln's Sparrow Melospiza lincolnii 07 years 11 months 06/15/1995 Colorado After Hatching Year Male 05/17/2002 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Swamp Sparrow Melospiza georgiana 07 years 10 months 10/22/2003 Maryland Hatching Year Unknown 04/12/2011 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-throated Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis 14 years 11 months 09/11/1995 Alberta Hatching Year Unknown 05/17/2010 Alberta Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Harris's Sparrow Zonotrichia querula 11 years 08 months 04/24/1972 Kansas After Hatching Year Unknown 02/01/1983 Kansas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
White-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys 13 years 04 months 12/26/1929 California Hatching Year Unknown 10/21/1942 California Shot. Dead/Unknown
Golden-crowned Sparrow Zonotrichia atricapilla 10 years 06 months 12/21/1961 California After Hatching Year Unknown 12/16/1970 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Dark-eyed Junco Junco hyemalis 11 years 04 months 08/13/1991 West Virginia After Hatching Year Unknown 10/05/2001 West Virginia Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Yellow-eyed Junco Junco phaeonotus 06 years 07 months 03/27/1973 Arizona After Hatching Year Unknown 01/10/1979 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Hepatic Tanager Piranga flava 01 years 11 months 05/21/1933 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 05/27/1934 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Summer Tanager Piranga rubra 11 years 00 months 06/09/2011 Arizona Second Year Male 06/03/2021 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Scarlet Tanager Piranga olivacea 11 years 11 months 06/21/1990 Pennsylvania Second Year Male 05/22/2001 Texas Found dead. Dead/Removed
Western Tanager Piranga ludoviciana 07 years 02 months 07/16/2014 Idaho Second Year Female 08/15/2020 Idaho Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis 15 years 09 months 03/16/1956 Pennsylvania After Hatching Year Female 03/17/1971 Pennsylvania Caught by hand. Dead/Unknown
Pyrrhuloxia Cardinalis sinuatus 08 years 01 months 02/25/1982 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 07/13/1989 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus 12 years 11 months 06/25/1972 Vermont After Hatching Year Male 05/13/1984 Vermont Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black-headed Grosbeak Pheucticus melanocephalus 15 years 01 months 07/05/2008 Idaho Second Year Male 07/21/2022 Idaho Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Blue Bunting Cyanocompsa parellina 10 years 10 months 02/21/2002 Mexico Second Year Male 04/11/2012 Mexico Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Blue Grosbeak Passerina caerulea 11 years 11 months 05/07/2012 Maryland Second Year Female 05/16/2023 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Lazuli Bunting Passerina amoena 09 years 11 months 05/26/1981 Idaho Second Year Male 05/14/1990 Idaho Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Indigo Bunting Passerina cyanea 13 years 03 months 05/23/2001 Ohio Second Year Male 09/28/2013 Ohio Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Varied Bunting Passerina versicolor 04 years 02 months 06/14/2016 Arizona Second Year Unknown 08/06/2019 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Painted Bunting Passerina ciris 14 years 01 months 05/06/2010 South Carolina Second Year Male 07/10/2023 South Carolina Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia 32 years 01 months 06/13/1986 Michigan Local Unknown 07/26/2018 Illinois Caught due to striking or being struck by: motor vehicle. Dead/Removed
Dickcissel Spiza americana 07 years 10 months 08/03/2005 Maryland Local Unknown 06/17/2013 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus 08 years 01 months 06/16/1978 New York Local Unknown 07/10/1986 New York Saw or photographed federal band while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red-winged Blackbird Agelaius phoeniceus 14 years 11 months 05/10/2010 Maryland After Second Year Female 05/01/2023 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Tricolored Blackbird Agelaius tricolor 13 years 03 months 09/23/1970 California Hatching Year Male 09/23/1983 California Caught due to striking or being struck by: motor vehicle. Dead/Removed
Yellow-shouldered Blackbird Agelaius xanthomus 12 years 05 months 08/19/1991 Puerto Rico Local Unknown 01/26/2004 Puerto Rico Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Eastern Meadowlark Sturnella magna 08 years 08 months 06/14/1926 Pennsylvania Juvenile Unknown 02/16/1935 North Carolina Shot. Dead/Unknown
Western Meadowlark Sturnella neglecta 06 years 06 months 03/03/1960 Colorado After Hatching Year Unknown 12/03/1965 Colorado Found dead. Dead/Removed
Yellow-headed Blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus 11 years 08 months 06/20/1983 Saskatchewan Local Unknown 02/99/1995 Nebraska Found dead. Dead/Removed
Rusty Blackbird Euphagus carolinus 08 years 07 months 04/06/1931 Arkansas After Hatching Year Unknown 01/30/1939 Mississippi Shot. Dead/Unknown
Brewer's Blackbird Euphagus cyanocephalus 12 years 06 months 05/07/1978 California After Hatching Year Male 12/15/1989 California Found dead. Dead/Removed
Common Grackle Quiscalus quiscula 23 years 01 months 10/01/1972 Minnesota After Hatching Year Male 07/07/1994 Minnesota Caught by or due to: hawks, owls, or other raptors. Dead/Removed
Boat-tailed Grackle Quiscalus major 13 years 01 months 04/26/1990 South Carolina Local Female 05/05/2003 South Carolina Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus 07 years 09 months 10/01/1974 Texas Hatching Year Male 03/04/1982 Texas Caught due to disease. Dead/Removed
Greater Antillean Grackle Quiscalus niger 03 years 05 months 12/31/1978 Puerto Rico Unknown Female 05/14/1982 Puerto Rico Drowned. Dead/Removed
Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis 08 years 10 months 04/04/1987 Puerto Rico After Hatching Year Female 04/28/1995 Puerto Rico Banding Mortality: due to trap, holding device, or handling. Dead/Removed
Bronzed Cowbird Molothrus aeneus 09 years 01 months 07/08/2015 Texas After Hatching Year Female 07/16/2023 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Brown-headed Cowbird Molothrus ater 16 years 11 months 05/30/1969 Wisconsin After Hatching Year Male 05/17/1985 Wisconsin Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Orchard Oriole Icterus spurius 11 years 00 months 05/04/2003 Maryland After Second Year Male 06/04/2012 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Hooded Oriole Icterus cucullatus 06 years 00 months 05/09/1967 California Second Year Male 06/28/1972 California Found dead. Dead/Removed
Bullock's Oriole Icterus bullockii 08 years 11 months 05/20/2000 Colorado After Second Year Male 05/21/2007 Colorado Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Jamaican Oriole Icterus leucopteryx 11 years 09 months 11/14/1966 Jamaica and Cayman Islands Unknown Unknown 08/99/1978 Jamaica and Cayman Islands Found dead. Dead/Removed
Spot-breasted Oriole Icterus pectoralis 03 years 02 months 03/05/1976 Florida After Hatching Year Unknown 08/02/1978 Florida Found dead. Dead/Removed
Audubon's Oriole Icterus graduacauda 03 years 01 months 05/18/2003 Texas After Hatching Year Male 07/21/2005 Texas Captured for Scientific Purposes (not collected). Status changed. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula 12 years 00 months 07/28/1996 Minnesota After Hatching Year Male 82/99/2007 Minnesota Caught by or due to: hawks, owls, or other raptors. Dead/Removed
Scott's Oriole Icterus parisorum 06 years 05 months 11/16/1969 Arizona After Hatching Year Male 11/30/1974 Arizona Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Leucosticte tephrocotis 06 years 01 months 12/06/1973 Alaska Unknown Female 01/17/1980 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Black Rosy-Finch Leucosticte atrata 08 years 07 months 10/23/2000 Wyoming After Hatching Year Male 01/30/2008 Wyoming Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch Leucosticte australis 09 years 10 months 05/01/2008 Colorado Second Year Male 04/04/2017 Colorado Caught due to: pesticides. Birds reported killed or captured as a result of spray programs. Does not include avicides. Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Pine Grosbeak Pinicola enucleator 09 years 09 months 12/14/1961 Connecticut After Hatching Year Male 03/15/1970 Québec Found dead or injured on highway. Dead/Removed
Laysan Finch Telespiza cantans 11 years 00 months 08/27/1991 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Second Year Male 06/26/2000 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Nihoa Finch Telespiza ultima 12 years 00 months 06/04/1969 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 06/13/1980 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Maui Parrotbill Pseudonestor xanthophrys 14 years 04 months 11/17/2006 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Male 10/08/2019 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
Hawaii Amakihi Chlorodrepanis virens 09 years 09 months 07/02/2003 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Hatching Year Unknown 03/04/2013 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Oahu Amakihi Chlorodrepanis flava 01 years 11 months 03/24/2021 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Male 05/29/2022 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Found dead. Dead/Unknown
Kauai Amakihi Chlorodrepanis stejnegeri 03 years 09 months 06/22/2019 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Hatching Year Unknown 03/24/2023 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Akiapolaau Hemignathus wilsoni 05 years 05 months 10/31/2017 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Hatching Year Unknown 11/22/2022 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Anianiau Magumma parva 04 years 03 months 03/09/2011 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Male 09/04/2014 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Maui Alauahio Paroreomyza montana 03 years 09 months 11/03/2021 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Second Year Unknown 03/15/2023 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Hawaii Creeper Loxops mana 08 years 09 months 02/24/2005 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Second Year Unknown 03/14/2013 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Iiwi Drepanis coccinea 08 years 09 months 04/23/1996 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Second Year Male 03/23/2003 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Apapane Himatione sanguinea 06 years 05 months 12/17/1978 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Hatching Year Unknown 11/12/1983 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Poo-uli Melamprosops phaeosoma 09 years 03 months 01/15/1997 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines After Second Year Male 09/09/2004 Oceania (including Hawaii), Australia, New Zealand and Phillipines Saw or photographed neck collar, color band, or other marker (not federal band) while bird was free Alive - Released/Left On Bird
House Finch Haemorhous mexicanus 11 years 07 months 01/09/1969 Maryland After Hatching Year Male 01/30/1980 Maryland Caught due to: injury Dead/Removed
Purple Finch Haemorhous purpureus 12 years 08 months 03/14/1960 North Carolina After Hatching Year Unknown 02/04/1972 North Carolina Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Cassin's Finch Haemorhous cassinii 07 years 00 months 06/13/1974 Oregon After Second Year Male 06/22/1979 Oregon Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Red Crossbill Loxia curvirostra 08 years 00 months 06/15/2007 Idaho After Hatching Year Male 06/08/2014 Idaho Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Common Redpoll Acanthis flammea 07 years 10 months 01/22/1983 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 04/15/1990 Alaska Caught by or due to: cat Alive - In Captivity/Left On Bird
Hoary Redpoll Acanthis hornemanni 06 years 09 months 03/21/1991 Alaska After Hatching Year Unknown 03/05/1997 Alaska Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Pine Siskin Spinus pinus 09 years 02 months 07/15/2008 Minnesota After Hatching Year Male 08/13/2016 North Carolina Found dead. Dead/Removed
Lesser Goldfinch Spinus psaltria 07 years 00 months 07/17/2009 California After Hatching Year Male 06/27/2015 California Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Removed
American Goldfinch Spinus tristis 10 years 11 months 02/19/2004 Maryland After Second Year Male 05/12/2013 Maryland Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
European Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 01 years 07 months 01/31/1930 Massachusetts After Hatching Year Unknown 01/06/1931 Massachusetts Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Unknown/Unknown
Evening Grosbeak Coccothraustes vespertinus 16 years 03 months 12/25/1959 Connecticut After Hatching Year Male 09/15/1974 New Brunswick Caught due to striking or being struck by: motor vehicle. Dead/Removed
House Sparrow Passer domesticus 15 years 09 months 07/11/1989 Texas After Hatching Year Female 03/15/2004 Texas Found dead. Dead/Left On Bird
Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus 03 years 09 months 09/20/1968 Illinois Unknown Unknown 06/13/1972 Illinois Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird
Scaly-breasted Munia Lonchura punctulata 02 years 02 months 10/06/2016 Texas After Hatching Year Unknown 08/23/2017 Texas Previously banded bird trapped and released during banding operations Alive - Released/Left On Bird