currently sorted by:
species, taxonomic
taxonomic |
alpha |
sort by |
sort by |
sort by |
Species |
Alpha Code* |
Safe date start** |
Safe date end |
Habitat |
FAMILY: Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Swans) |
Snow Goose |
SNGO | / |
/ | |
Ross's Goose |
ROGO | / |
/ | |
Cackling Goose |
CACG | / |
/ | |
Canada Goose |
CANG | 3 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Parks, golf courses, lawns, ponds, lakes, rivers |
Tundra Swan |
TUSW | / |
/ | |
Wood Duck |
WODU | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Wooded swamps, marshes, streams, rivers |
Blue-winged Teal |
BWTE | / |
/ | |
Northern Shoveler |
NSHO | / |
/ | |
Gadwall |
GADW | / |
/ | |
American Wigeon |
AMWI | / |
/ | |
Mallard |
MALL | 3 / 15 |
6 / 30 | All wetlands and adjacent yards, etc. |
American Black Duck |
ABDU | / |
/ | |
Northern Pintail |
NOPI | / |
/ | |
Green-winged Teal |
GWTE | / |
/ | |
Canvasback |
CANV | / |
/ | |
Redhead |
REDH | / |
/ | |
Ring-necked Duck |
RNDU | / |
/ | |
Greater Scaup |
GRSC | / |
/ | |
Lesser Scaup |
LESC | / |
/ | |
Surf Scoter |
SUSC | / |
/ | |
White-winged Scoter |
WWSC | / |
/ | |
Black Scoter |
BLSC | / |
/ | |
Long-tailed Duck |
LTDU | / |
/ | |
Bufflehead |
BUFF | / |
/ | |
Common Goldeneye |
COGO | / |
/ | |
Hooded Merganser |
HOME | 5 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Wooded swamps, marshes, streams, rivers |
Common Merganser |
COME | / |
/ | |
Red-breasted Merganser |
RBME | / |
/ | |
Ruddy Duck |
RUDU | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Odontophoridae (New World Quails) |
Northern Bobwhite |
NOBO | 3 / 15 |
9 / 30 | Open fields, pastures, scrub |
FAMILY: Phasianidae (Partidges, Grouse, Turkey, and Old World Quail) |
Wild Turkey |
WITU | 3 / 15 |
9 / 30 | Mature deciduous woods, edge |
FAMILY: Gaviidae (Loons) |
Red-throated Loon |
RTLO | / |
/ | |
Common Loon |
COLO | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Podicipedidae (Grebes) |
Pied-billed Grebe |
PBGR | / |
/ | |
Horned Grebe |
HOGR | / |
/ | |
Red-necked Grebe |
RNGR | / |
/ | |
Eared Grebe |
EAGR | / |
/ | |
Western Grebe |
WEGR | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Anhingidae (Anhingas) |
Anhinga |
ANHI | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants) |
Double-crested Cormorant |
DCCO | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Pelecanidae (Pelicans) |
American White Pelican |
AWPE | / |
/ | |
Brown Pelican |
BRPE | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Ciconiidae (Storks and Allies) |
Wood Stork |
WOST | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Ardeidae (Herons, Bitterns, and allies) |
American Bittern |
AMBI | / |
/ | |
Least Bittern |
LEBI | / |
/ | |
Great Blue Heron |
GBHE | 1 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Wooded swamps, beaver ponds, river islands |
Great Egret |
GREG | / |
/ | |
Snowy Egret |
SNEG | / |
/ | |
Little Blue Heron |
LBHE | / |
/ | |
Tricolored Heron |
TRHE | / |
/ | |
Reddish Egret |
REEG | / |
/ | |
Cattle Egret |
CAEG | / |
/ | |
Green Heron |
GRHE | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Woody growth near marshes or open water |
Black-crowned Night-Heron |
BCNH | / |
/ | |
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron |
YCNH | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Pine trees in older neighborhoods with adjacent streams |
FAMILY: Threskiornithidae (Ibises and Spoonbills) |
White Ibis |
WHIB | / |
/ | |
Glossy Ibis |
GLIB | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Cathartidae (New World Vultures) |
Black Vulture |
BLVU | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Woods, rocky outcrops, abandoned buildings |
Turkey Vulture |
TUVU | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Woods, rocky outcrops, abandoned buildings |
FAMILY: Accipitridae (Hawks, Kites, Eagles, and Allies) |
Osprey |
OSPR | 4 / 15 |
7 / 31 | Tall trees or towers along river edges |
Swallow-tailed Kite |
STKI | / |
/ | |
Golden Eagle |
GOEA | / |
/ | |
Northern Harrier |
NOHA | / |
/ | |
Sharp-shinned Hawk |
SSHA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Conifers in mature woodlands |
Cooper's Hawk |
COHA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Mixed woodlands, groves, copses |
Bald Eagle |
BAEA | 1 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Tall trees along large lake and river margins |
Mississippi Kite |
MIKI | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Tall trees along stream bottomland |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
RSHA | 3 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Wet mixed pine-hardwood forests, swamps |
Broad-winged Hawk |
BWHA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Mature mixed woodlands |
Red-tailed Hawk |
RTHA | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Mature woodlands often near edges |
Rough-legged Hawk |
RLHA | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Falconidae (Falcons and Caracaras) |
American Kestrel |
AMKE | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open country, scattered trees, edge, nest boxes |
Merlin |
MERL | / |
/ | |
Peregrine Falcon |
PEFA | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots) |
King Rail |
KIRA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Reedy ponds, or marshes |
Clapper Rail |
CLRA | / |
/ | |
Virginia Rail |
VIRA | / |
/ | |
Sora |
SORA | / |
/ | |
Common Gallinule |
COGA | / |
/ | |
American Coot |
AMCO | / |
/ | |
Yellow Rail |
YERA | / |
/ | |
Black Rail |
BLRA | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Gruidae (Cranes) |
Sandhill Crane |
SACR | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Charadriidae (Lapwings and Plovers) |
Black-bellied Plover |
BBPL | / |
/ | |
American Golden-Plover |
AMGP | / |
/ | |
Killdeer |
KILL | 3 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open, sparsely vegetated areas; flat rooftops |
Semipalmated Plover |
SEPL | / |
/ | |
Piping Plover |
PIPL | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies) |
Upland Sandpiper |
UPSA | / |
/ | |
Whimbrel |
WHIM | / |
/ | |
Marbled Godwit |
MAGO | / |
/ | |
Ruddy Turnstone |
RUTU | / |
/ | |
Red Knot |
REKN | / |
/ | |
Stilt Sandpiper |
STSA | / |
/ | |
Sanderling |
SAND | / |
/ | |
Dunlin |
DUNL | / |
/ | |
Baird's Sandpiper |
BASA | / |
/ | |
Least Sandpiper |
LESA | / |
/ | |
White-rumped Sandpiper |
WRSA | / |
/ | |
Buff-breasted Sandpiper |
BBSA | / |
/ | |
Pectoral Sandpiper |
PESA | / |
/ | |
Semipalmated Sandpiper |
SESA | / |
/ | |
Western Sandpiper |
WESA | / |
/ | |
Short-billed Dowitcher |
SBDO | / |
/ | |
American Woodcock |
AMWO | 1 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Forest edges, wet fields |
Wilson's Snipe |
WISN | / |
/ | |
Spotted Sandpiper |
SPSA | / |
/ | |
Solitary Sandpiper |
SOSA | / |
/ | |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
LEYE | / |
/ | |
Willet |
WILL | / |
/ | |
Greater Yellowlegs |
GRYE | / |
/ | |
Wilson's Phalarope |
WIPH | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Laridae (Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers) |
Parasitic Jaeger |
PAJA | / |
/ | |
Long-tailed Jaeger |
LTJA | / |
/ | |
Sabine's Gull |
SAGU | / |
/ | |
Bonaparte's Gull |
BOGU | / |
/ | |
Laughing Gull |
LAGU | / |
/ | |
Franklin's Gull |
FRGU | / |
/ | |
Ring-billed Gull |
RBGU | / |
/ | |
Herring Gull |
HERG | / |
/ | |
Lesser Black-backed Gull |
LBBG | / |
/ | |
Brown Noddy |
BRNO | / |
/ | |
Bridled Tern |
BRTE | / |
/ | |
Caspian Tern |
CATE | / |
/ | |
Black Tern |
BLTE | / |
/ | |
Common Tern |
COTE | / |
/ | |
Forster's Tern |
FOTE | / |
/ | |
Royal Tern |
ROYT | / |
/ | |
Black Skimmer |
BLSK | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves) |
Rock Pigeon |
ROPI | 1 / 1 |
12 / 31 | Buildings, bridges, towers in urban areas, farms |
Band-tailed Pigeon |
BTPI | / |
/ | |
Eurasian Collared-Dove |
EUCD | 1 / 1 |
12 / 31 | Buildings, bridges, towers in urban areas, farms |
Common Ground Dove |
CGDO | / |
/ | |
White-winged Dove |
WWDO | / |
/ | |
Mourning Dove |
MODO | 3 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Suburbs, woodlots, farmlands |
FAMILY: Cuculidae (Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis) |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo |
YBCU | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Forested habitats, edge |
Black-billed Cuckoo |
BBCU | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Forested habitats, edge |
FAMILY: Tytonidae (Barn Owls) |
Barn Owl |
BANO | 1 / 1 |
12 / 31 | Farm barns, silos, out buildings near large open habitats |
FAMILY: Strigidae (Typical Owls) |
Eastern Screech-Owl |
EASO | 12 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Cavities in open deciduous forests, woodlots, residential areas |
Great Horned Owl |
GHOW | 12 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Wide variety of habitats from forest to farmland |
Snowy Owl |
SNOW | / |
/ | |
Barred Owl |
BADO | 12 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Moist woods, wooded swamps, bottomlands |
Short-eared Owl |
SEOW | / |
/ | |
Northern Saw-whet Owl |
NSWO | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Caprimulgidae (Nighthawks and Allies) |
Common Nighthawk |
CONI | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Tops of buildings |
Chuck-will's-widow |
CWWI | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open oak woodlands |
unid. Mexican / Eastern Whip-poor-will |
WPWI | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Secondary forest, copses, scrub pine-oak, edge |
FAMILY: Apodidae (Swifts) |
Chimney Swift |
CHSW | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Urban chimneys |
FAMILY: Trochilidae (Hummingbirds) |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
RTHU | 5 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Open woodland, rural and suburban gardens, edge |
Black-chinned Hummingbird |
BCHU | / |
/ | |
Anna's Hummingbird |
ANHU | / |
/ | |
Calliope Hummingbird |
CAHU | / |
/ | |
Rufous Hummingbird |
RUHU | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Alcedinidae (Kingfishers) |
Belted Kingfisher |
BEKI | 4 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Stream, river, or lake shore with banks |
FAMILY: Picidae (Woodpeckers and Allies) |
Red-headed Woodpecker |
RHWO | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open country with scattered trees |
Red-bellied Woodpecker |
RBWO | 3 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Older-growth forests and wood lots |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker |
YBSA | / |
/ | |
Downy Woodpecker |
DOWO | 3 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Forests, copses, suburbs |
Hairy Woodpecker |
HAWO | 3 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Forests |
(Yellow-shafted Flicker) Northern Flicker |
YSFL | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Forest, park lands |
Pileated Woodpecker |
PIWO | 3 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Mature forest, especially bottomlands |
FAMILY: Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers) |
Great Crested Flycatcher |
GCFL | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Mature forest edge, nest boxes |
Eastern Kingbird |
EAKI | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open habitats, including edge, copses, often near water |
Olive-sided Flycatcher |
OSFL | / |
/ | |
Eastern Wood-Pewee |
EAWP | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Mature forest |
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher |
YBFL | / |
/ | |
Acadian Flycatcher |
ACFL | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Bottomland forest, forested floodplain and stream edges |
Alder Flycatcher |
ALFL | / |
/ | |
Willow Flycatcher |
WIFL | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Willow shrub swamps |
Least Flycatcher |
LEFL | / |
/ | |
Eastern Phoebe |
EAPH | 4 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Ledges, bridges, porch sills, etc. usually near water |
FAMILY: Vireonidae (Vireos) |
White-eyed Vireo |
WEVI | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Moist area thickets, tangles of vines, or briers |
Yellow-throated Vireo |
YTVI | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open deciduous and mixed forest and riparian woodlands |
Blue-headed Vireo |
BHVI | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Mature coniferous or mixed pine-hardwood forests |
Philadelphia Vireo |
PHVI | / |
/ | |
Warbling Vireo |
WAVI | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open groves of deciduous trees often adjacent to rivers |
Red-eyed Vireo |
REVI | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Mixed and deciduous forests |
FAMILY: Laniidae (Shrikes) |
Loggerhead Shrike |
LOSH | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Farmland and other open habitats |
FAMILY: Corvidae (Crows and Jays) |
Blue Jay |
BLJA | 5 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Varied; most forest types, thickets, yards, parks |
American Crow |
AMCR | 4 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Conifers in forested areas, woodlots, yards, parks |
Fish Crow |
FICR | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Mixed woods, woodlots, yards, parks |
Common Raven |
CORA | 3 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Rock ledges in local rock quarry sites |
FAMILY: Paridae (Chickadees and Titmice) |
Carolina Chickadee |
CACH | 3 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Woodlands, orchards, shade trees, yards, and city parks |
Tufted Titmouse |
TUTI | 3 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Deciduous oak forests, riparian woodlands, and residential areas |
FAMILY: Alaudidae (Larks) |
Horned Lark |
HOLA | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Abandoned agricultural fields, sparsely vegetated areas, airports |
FAMILY: Hirundinidae (Swallows) |
Bank Swallow |
BANS | / |
/ | |
Tree Swallow |
TRES | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open areas near wetlands, in nest boxes |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow |
NRWS | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Often near water, in cavity, pipe, or excavated burrow |
Purple Martin |
PUMA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Farms, large yards, and golf courses in artificial nest boxes |
Barn Swallow |
BARS | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Structures - eves of barns, garages, sheds, bridges |
Cliff Swallow |
CLSW | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Eves and sides of bridges |
FAMILY: Regulidae (Kinglets) |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet |
RCKI | / |
/ | |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
GCKI | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Bombycillidae (Waxwings and Allies) |
Cedar Waxwing |
CEDW | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Second-growth forests, parks, margins of waterways |
FAMILY: Sittidae (Nuthatches) |
Red-breasted Nuthatch |
RBNU | / |
/ | |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
WBNU | 3 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Deciduous forest |
Brown-headed Nuthatch |
BHNU | 3 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Natural or artificial nest cavities in open pine woods |
FAMILY: Certhiidae (Creepers) |
Brown Creeper |
BRCR | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Sylviidae (Gnatcatchers and Old World Warblers) |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher |
BGGN | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Wooded edges along ponds, rivers, streams, swamps |
FAMILY: Troglodytidae (Wrens) |
Bewick's Wren |
BEWR | / |
/ | |
Carolina Wren |
CARW | 3 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Wet woods, stream edges, thickets, brush piles suburban yards |
House Wren |
HOWR | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open forests, wood edges, farms, suburbs, parks |
unid. Pacific Wren / Winter Wren |
UPWW | / |
/ | |
Sedge Wren |
SEWR | / |
/ | |
Marsh Wren |
MAWR | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Mimidae (Mockingbirds and Thrashers) |
Gray Catbird |
GRCA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Dense tangles and thickets |
Brown Thrasher |
BRTH | 5 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Dry second-growth; powerlines, overgrown pastures, thickets |
Northern Mockingbird |
NOMO | 4 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Suburban or semi-rural habitats with thickets, brushy edges |
FAMILY: Sturnidae (Starlings) |
European Starling |
EUST | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Everywhere except remote rural areas |
FAMILY: Turdidae (Thrushes) |
Eastern Bluebird |
EABL | 4 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Natural or artificial nest cavities in fields with scattered trees |
Veery |
VEER | / |
/ | |
Gray-cheeked Thrush |
GCTH | / |
/ | |
Swainson's Thrush |
SWTH | / |
/ | |
Hermit Thrush |
HETH | / |
/ | |
Wood Thrush |
WOTH | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Mature forest |
American Robin |
AMRO | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Almost anywhere except the most open habitats |
FAMILY: Passeridae (Old World Sparrows) |
House Sparrow |
HOSP | 1 / 1 |
12 / 31 | Residential areas, farms |
FAMILY: Motacillidae (Wagtails and Pipits) |
American Pipit |
AMPI | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Fringillidae (Fringilline and Cardueline Finches) |
Evening Grosbeak |
EVGR | / |
/ | |
House Finch |
HOFI | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Scattered trees, especially conifers - usually in residential areas |
Purple Finch |
PUFI | / |
/ | |
Common Redpoll |
CORE | / |
/ | |
Red Crossbill |
RECR | / |
/ | |
Pine Siskin |
PISI | / |
/ | |
American Goldfinch |
AGOL | 6 / 1 |
8 / 30 | Forest edge, copses, brushy areas, residential areas |
FAMILY: Emberizidae (Emberizids) |
Lapland Longspur |
LALO | / |
/ | |
Bachman's Sparrow |
BACS | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open, park-like pine stands with grassy ground cover maintained by fire |
Grasshopper Sparrow |
GRSP | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Grasslands, hayfields, possibly airport areas |
Lark Sparrow |
LASP | / |
/ | |
Chipping Sparrow |
CHSP | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open mixed forest, suburbs, parks, cemeteries |
Clay-colored Sparrow |
CCSP | / |
/ | |
Field Sparrow |
FISP | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Brushy areas, weedy fields, utility corridors |
Fox Sparrow |
FOSP | / |
/ | |
(Slate-colored Junco) Dark-eyed Junco |
SCJU | / |
/ | |
White-crowned Sparrow |
WCSP | / |
/ | |
White-throated Sparrow |
WTSP | / |
/ | |
Vesper Sparrow |
VESP | / |
/ | |
LeConte's Sparrow |
LCSP | / |
/ | |
Nelson's Sparrow |
NESP | / |
/ | |
Henslow's Sparrow |
HESP | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Weedy fields, wet meadows |
Savannah Sparrow |
SAVS | / |
/ | |
Song Sparrow |
SOSP | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Forest edge, brushy areas, marsh edges, suburbs |
Lincoln's Sparrow |
LISP | / |
/ | |
Swamp Sparrow |
SWSP | / |
/ | |
Eastern Towhee |
EATO | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Dry, open forest, edge, brushy habitats including thickets and utility corridors |
FAMILY: Parulidae (Wood-warblers) |
Yellow-breasted Chat |
YBCH | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Thickets in fields, pastures, utility corridors |
FAMILY: Icteridae (Blackbirds and Orioles) |
Bobolink |
BOBO | / |
/ | |
Eastern Meadowlark |
EAME | 5 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Extensive grasslands, hayfields, possibly airport areas |
Orchard Oriole |
OROR | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open patchy forest, copses, often near river, stream, or pond |
Baltimore Oriole |
BAOR | / |
/ | |
Red-winged Blackbird |
RWBL | 5 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Wide variety of densely vegetated wet habitats |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
BHCO | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Virtually all habitats |
Rusty Blackbird |
RUBL | / |
/ | |
Brewer's Blackbird |
BRBL | / |
/ | |
Common Grackle |
COGR | 4 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Wide variety of urban and rural habitats |
FAMILY: Parulidae (Wood-warblers) |
Ovenbird |
OVEN | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Open forests with little or no understory vegetation and ample lleaf litter |
Worm-eating Warbler |
WEWA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Brushy undergrowth of rocky wooded hillsides and ravines |
Louisiana Waterthrush |
LOWA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Rocky streams in forest areas |
Northern Waterthrush |
NOWA | / |
/ | |
Golden-winged Warbler |
GWWA | / |
/ | |
Blue-winged Warbler |
BWWA | / |
/ | |
Black-and-white Warbler |
BAWW | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Primarily deciduous forest |
Prothonotary Warbler |
PROW | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Wooded swamps, nest cavities over water |
Swainson's Warbler |
SWWA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Dense shrub thickets, vine tangles, privet hedges in forest wetlands |
Tennessee Warbler |
TEWA | / |
/ | |
Orange-crowned Warbler |
OCWA | / |
/ | |
Nashville Warbler |
NAWA | / |
/ | |
Connecticut Warbler |
CONW | / |
/ | |
Mourning Warbler |
MOWA | / |
/ | |
Kentucky Warbler |
KEWA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Wet thickets, dense understory in moist or wet deciduous forest bottomlands |
Common Yellowthroat |
COYE | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Brushy areas, thickets, powerline cuts, preferably wet |
Hooded Warbler |
HOWA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Moist thickets in woodlands |
American Redstart |
AMRE | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Secondary forest, copses |
Kirtland's Warbler |
KIWA | / |
/ | |
Cape May Warbler |
CMWA | / |
/ | |
Cerulean Warbler |
CERW | / |
/ | |
Northern Parula |
NOPA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Woodlands with Usnea lichen |
Magnolia Warbler |
MAWA | / |
/ | |
Bay-breasted Warbler |
BBWA | / |
/ | |
Blackburnian Warbler |
BLBW | / |
/ | |
Yellow Warbler |
YEWA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Marsh margins, wet brushy areas, farmlands |
Chestnut-sided Warbler |
CSWA | / |
/ | |
Blackpoll Warbler |
BLPW | / |
/ | |
Black-throated Blue Warbler |
BTBW | / |
/ | |
Palm Warbler |
PAWA | / |
/ | |
Pine Warbler |
PIWA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Variety of pine forests |
(Myrtle Warbler) Yellow-rumped Warbler |
MYWA | / |
/ | |
Yellow-throated Warbler |
YTWA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Pine woods, or swamps and bottomlands -esp. in conifers |
Prairie Warbler |
PRAW | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Brushy fields, powerline cuts, edges |
Black-throated Green Warbler |
BTNW | / |
/ | |
Canada Warbler |
CAWA | / |
/ | |
Wilson's Warbler |
WIWA | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Thraupidae (Tanagers) |
Summer Tanager |
SUTA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Variety of forests - most often in open pines |
Scarlet Tanager |
SCTA | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Mature deciduous forests |
Western Tanager |
WETA | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Cardinalidae (Cardinals, Saltators, and Allies) |
Northern Cardinal |
NOCA | 4 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Suburban or semi-rural areas; forest edge, woodlots, thickets, parks, gardens |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak |
RBGR | / |
/ | |
Blue Grosbeak |
BLGR | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Brushy habitats, woodland edge, fields, pastures, overgrown fields, utility corridors |
Indigo Bunting |
INBU | 5 / 15 |
6 / 30 | Brushy habitats including forest edge, overgrown fields, utility corridors |
Painted Bunting |
PABU | / |
/ | |
Dickcissel |
DICK | / |
/ | |
* Alpha Codes are also known as 'banding codes' (not AOU codes, which are numeric)
** Safe dates represent a window when a singing male is assumed not to be in migration, and
therefore on territory. Some atlases do not use safe dates, because they prefer
(given present knowledge) not to assume migration or territorial status of all individuals.
Safe dates generally apply to the Possible breeding category only when used.