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Species |
Alpha Code* |
Safe date start** |
Safe date end |
Habitat |
FAMILY: Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Swans) |
Cackling Goose |
CACG | / |
/ | |
Canada Goose |
CANG | 3 / 20 |
7 / 1 | Nests near fresh water or brackish marshes, meadows or reservoirs. |
Mute Swan |
MUSW | / |
/ | |
Wood Duck |
WODU | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | In cavity or large tree near pond or slow-moving water. Use nest boxes at Grizzly Island Wildlife Area and Lake Solano (GIWA). |
Blue-winged Teal |
BWTE | 5 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Similar to Mallard and Cinnamon Teal. |
Cinnamon Teal |
CITE | 4 / 15 |
7 / 1 | Dense cover 12-15 inches high near water. |
Northern Shoveler |
NSHO | 5 / 20 |
7 / 15 | In short grass around boggy edges of marshes and ponds, in a lined depression on ground. |
Gadwall |
GADW | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | In tall dense vegetation, frequently on an island in a marsh or lake. |
American Wigeon |
AMWI | / |
/ | |
Mallard |
MALL | 3 / 1 |
9 / 1 | Well concealed in dense vegetation in depression on ground, lined with duck down, usually within half mile of water. |
Northern Pintail |
NOPI | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | In vegetation lined depression on ground in open area with sparse vegetation, usually near a marsh or pond. |
Green-winged Teal |
GWTE | 4 / 15 |
7 / 1 | Similar habitat to Mallard; female covers eggs when off nest. |
Redhead |
REDH | / |
/ | |
Common Goldeneye |
COGO | / |
/ | |
Common Merganser |
COME | / |
/ | |
Ruddy Duck |
RUDU | 5 / 10 |
8 / 15 | Nest attached to tall reeds, 7-8 inches above water. |
Mandarin Duck |
MNDU | 4 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Secluded lakes, streams and rivers; hole in tree or nestbox at Lake Solano Collinsville. |
FAMILY: Odontophoridae (New World Quails) |
Mountain Quail |
MOUQ | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Overgrown clearings and burns in forested mountains, chaparral and juniper usually above 2000 feet. Depression in ground under brush or limb. |
California Quail |
CAQU | 4 / 1 |
9 / 1 | On ground, under brush or in rock cranny in covered depression lined with dead leaves, grass. |
FAMILY: Phasianidae (Partidges, Grouse, Turkey, and Old World Quail) |
Wild Turkey |
WITU | 4 / 15 |
8 / 15 | In a scooped out hollow on the ground in a dry place. May be lined with dry grass. |
Ring-necked Pheasant |
RNEP | 4 / 15 |
7 / 1 | Near marshes and in over-grown fields. Nest on ground and hard to find. |
FAMILY: Podicipedidae (Grebes) |
Pied-billed Grebe |
PBGR | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | On floating vegetation slightly above fresh water deeper than one foot. Hard to see. Adult slips away from nest when disturbed. |
Western Grebe |
WEGR | 5 / 1 |
9 / 1 | Nest is a floating platform of fresh and decayed vegetation usually on or anchored to live vegetation in shallow water. Colonial. |
Clark's Grebe |
CLGR | 5 / 1 |
9 / 1 | Nest is a floating platform of fresh and decayed vegetation usually on or anchored to live vegetation in shallow water. Colonial. |
FAMILY: Phalacrocoracidae (Cormorants) |
Double-crested Cormorant |
DCCO | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Bulky stick nest on ground or in dead or living tree at any height, always near water. Colonial. |
FAMILY: Pelecanidae (Pelicans) |
American White Pelican |
AWPE | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Predator free islands in inland rivers and bays. Colonial, often among Double-crested Cormorants. |
FAMILY: Ardeidae (Herons, Bitterns, and allies) |
American Bittern |
AMBI | 5 / 1 |
7 / 31 | Very well hidden on mound among marsh plants, cattails in fresh water preferred. |
Great Blue Heron |
GBHE | 3 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Solitary or colonial, on bulky stick nests high in trees, easily seen. |
Great Egret |
GREG | 5 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Solitary or colonial nesting, sometimes with other species, in trees or shrubs usually more than ten feet above ground. |
Snowy Egret |
SNEG | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Same as Great Egret except this species occasionally nests in marsh vegetation instead of trees. |
Cattle Egret |
CAEG | 5 / 1 |
7 / 31 | Nest of reeds, twigs, sticks and vines in wet pastures, plowed fields, marshes and lawns. Male collects, female builds. Highly colonial. |
Green Heron |
GRHE | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Usually solitary, colonial occasionally, in tree, bush or on the ground. Check small riparian creeks. |
Black-crowned Night-Heron |
BCNH | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Usually colonial, in sites that range from low marsh vegetation to tall trees. |
FAMILY: Threskiornithidae (Ibises and Spoonbills) |
White-faced Ibis |
WFIB | 5 / 10 |
7 / 15 | Usually in freshwater ponds, marshes, swamps and rivers. Nest is usually on ground; occasionally in shrub or low tree over water. Colonial. |
FAMILY: Cathartidae (New World Vultures) |
Turkey Vulture |
TUVU | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | No nest. Eggs laid on bare ground or gravel on cliff ledge or in cave, sometimes in hollow stump or tree. |
FAMILY: Accipitridae (Hawks, Kites, Eagles, and Allies) |
Osprey |
OSPR | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Near fresh or salt water, bulky conspicuous stick nest on ground or most commonly on top of a tree or man-made structure on Mare Island and Vallejo. |
White-tailed Kite |
WTKI | 3 / 15 |
7 / 1 | Savannah, marsh, streamside areas and orchards. Bulky twig and grass nest in tree. |
Golden Eagle |
GOEA | 3 / 15 |
7 / 15 | On rocky ledge or treetop. Stick nest; new material added each year. Frequently alternates between two nesting sites. |
Northern Harrier |
NOHA | 4 / 15 |
7 / 10 | In marshes or brushy fields, bulky stick nest on or near ground, hidden by brush or tall grass. |
Sharp-shinned Hawk |
SSHA | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Woodlands, mountainous coniferous/deciduous forest Nest by trunk, broad, flat, of sticks, twigs; lined with smaller twigs, grass, conifer needles |
Cooper's Hawk |
COHA | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | In riparian groves and mountain canyons, in stick nest in tree 20 to forty feet high. |
Red-shouldered Hawk |
RSHA | 3 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Riparian, usually near stream, suburban large trees; nest halfway up near the main trunk. Nest smaller than Red-Tailed Hawk. |
Swainson's Hawk |
SWHA | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Agricultural land with scattered trees, savanna, open conifer/oak woodland, prairie. |
Red-tailed Hawk |
RTHA | 3 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Woodland and open country with scattered trees. Bulky nest of sticks and twigs in crotch of large tree or on rocky cliff. |
FAMILY: Falconidae (Falcons and Caracaras) |
American Kestrel |
AMKE | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Natural tree cavity, old woodpecker hole, nest box or in crannies in eaves of building. Rarely in open. Little or no nesting material added to cavity. |
Peregrine Falcon |
PEFA | 4 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Cliffs, tall structures like bridges and buildings in open areas. |
Prairie Falcon |
PRFA | 4 / 1 |
7 / 10 | Cliffs. |
FAMILY: Rallidae (Rails, Gallinules, and Coots) |
Clapper Rail |
CLRA | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | In tidal marshes, nest attached to several reed stems above water level at high tide. |
Virginia Rail |
VIRA | 4 / 15 |
7 / 1 | Usually in freshwater marshes, but occasionally in upper reaches of saltwater marshes in sedges or cattails just above water. |
Sora |
SORA | 5 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Freshwater marshes, wet meadows, usually over deeper water than Virginia Rail. Nest indistinguishable from Virginia Rail. |
Common Gallinule |
COGA | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Floating platform on fresh-water marshes, channels and ponds, usually where water is covered with duck-weed, but sometimes in shrub near water. |
American Coot |
AMCO | 5 / 1 |
8 / 15 | Nest, a floating platform anchored to plants in freshwater marsh, and near cattails in reservoirs. |
Yellow Rail |
YERA | 6 / 1 |
8 / 1 | |
Black Rail |
BLRA | 5 / 1 |
7 / 1 | Deep cup of loosely woven grass in depression under arch of matted dead marsh grass. Found in salicornia. |
FAMILY: Recurvirostridae (Stilts and Avocets) |
Black-necked Stilt |
BNST | 5 / 1 |
7 / 1 | Colonial on dike or mound near water. Very aggressive with intruders; uses both broken leg and broken wing distraction display. |
American Avocet |
AMAV | 5 / 15 |
7 / 5 | Loosely colonial near ponds, marshes estuaries, mud flats. Nest among tufts of vegetation on gravel, sand, mud below brush. |
FAMILY: Charadriidae (Lapwings and Plovers) |
Killdeer |
KILL | 4 / 10 |
7 / 1 | Depression in bare ground, gravel or pebbles in dry river bed, railway bed, dry area near pond or lake and even on gravel roof, usually unlined. |
Snowy Plover |
SNPL | / |
/ | |
FAMILY: Scolopacidae (Sandpipers, Phalaropes, and Allies) |
Long-billed Curlew |
LBCU | / |
/ | |
Spotted Sandpiper |
SPSA | 6 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Wide variety of habitats: semi-open vegetation near water. Nest, a scrape in grass, moss, forbs, tangles, among rocks, etc., usually 2-4 eggs. |
Greater Yellowlegs |
GRYE | / |
/ | |
Wilson's Phalarope |
WIPH | 6 / 10 |
7 / 15 | Nest a scrape made by male is open or well concealed in sparse vegetation on damp ground in fresh water marsh, slough, wet meadow, or island. |
FAMILY: Laridae (Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers) |
Western Gull |
WEGU | 4 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Colonial on predator free islands or rocky islets, rotten piers, rotted pilings, flat roofs. |
Least Tern |
LETE | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Open, flat beaches, river and lake margins, usually near shallow water. Nest shallow depression, usually unlined. |
Caspian Tern |
CATE | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Colonial on levees, islands. |
Forster's Tern |
FOTE | 5 / 1 |
8 / 15 | Colonial, fresh or saltwater marshes and marshy borders of reservoirs, islands in sloughs. |
FAMILY: Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves) |
Rock Pigeon |
ROPI | 3 / 1 |
8 / 15 | Singly or colonial, on ledges, natural or man-made near human habitation, in barns and abandoned buildings. |
Band-tailed Pigeon |
BTPI | 2 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Oak woodland or coniferous forest, usually 15-40’ high on horizontal limb close to trunk. |
Eurasian Collared-Dove |
EUCD | / |
/ | |
Mourning Dove |
MODO | 3 / 15 |
8 / 15 | In tree 10-100’ high, occasionally on ground, in flimsy nest of twigs and rootlets. |
FAMILY: Cuculidae (Cuckoos, Roadrunners, and Anis) |
Greater Roadrunner |
GRRO | 4 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Desert scrub, chaparral, edge of cultivated land, arid open areas with scattered brush, pine-oak woodland. |
FAMILY: Tytonidae (Barn Owls) |
Barn Owl |
BANO | 3 / 15 |
8 / 1 | In cavities, caves, buildings and nest boxes. Look for pellets under eucalyptus, oak and date palm trees. |
FAMILY: Strigidae (Typical Owls) |
Western Screech-Owl |
WESO | 3 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Oak & riparian woodlands, scrub, orchards, woodlots in old woodpecker holes or natural cavities, man-made crevices or nest box. |
Great Horned Owl |
GHOW | 1 / 1 |
7 / 1 | In old nest of large bird, i.e., Red-tailed Hawk, and in tree cavities, caves. |
Northern Pygmy-Owl |
NOPO | 5 / 1 |
7 / 10 | Open coniferous or mixed woods, wooded canyons, in abandoned woodpecker hole or natural cavity. |
Burrowing Owl |
BUOW | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Grasslands, prairie, levee, open area near golf course or airport. In burrows of ground squirrels, or man-made burrow-like structures. |
Short-eared Owl |
SEOW | 4 / 10 |
7 / 1 | On ground in marsh, usually hidden in low vegetation. |
Northern Saw-whet Owl |
NSWO | 4 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Dense coniferous and mixed coniferous-deciduous forest, wooded swamps, bogs; nest in woodpecker holes and natural cavities. |
FAMILY: Caprimulgidae (Nighthawks and Allies) |
Common Poorwill |
COPO | 4 / 1 |
8 / 31 | Rough chaparral slopes, rocky outcrops and tablelands, usually arid or semi-arid. On bare ground, often under bush. |
FAMILY: Apodidae (Swifts) |
White-throated Swift |
WTSW | 4 / 20 |
7 / 1 | In crevice in cliff, building, bridge, or overpass in drain pipe. |
FAMILY: Trochilidae (Hummingbirds) |
Black-chinned Hummingbird |
BCHU | 5 / 1 |
7 / 1 | Open and riparian woodlands, chaparral, suburban parks and residential gardens in drier areas of county. |
Anna's Hummingbird |
ANHU | 1 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Nest, almost anywhere, made of plant down and spider silk; thick walls built up after eggs laid; lichen added to exterior. |
Allen's Hummingbird |
ALHU | 2 / 15 |
6 / 1 | Primarily in moist areas, canyons in chaparral, thickets, brushy slopes, open coniferous forest, riparian, eucalyptus groves and residential areas. |
FAMILY: Alcedinidae (Kingfishers) |
Belted Kingfisher |
BEKI | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Usually along a stream, in a burrow in an earth bank, usually 1-3 feet from top; entrance floor has grooves on either side. |
FAMILY: Picidae (Woodpeckers and Allies) |
Acorn Woodpecker |
ACWO | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Colonial, usually in deciduous snag, especially dead or dying oaks, also utility poles. |
Downy Woodpecker |
DOWO | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Riparian woods and residential areas; deciduous woodlands, especially willows; mixed oak-deciduous woodlands in excavated cavity in dead wood. |
Nuttall's Woodpecker |
NUWO | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Usually in excavated cavity in dead oak or riparian deciduous tree. Male does most of incubation, including all nocturnal incubation and brooding. |
Hairy Woodpecker |
HAWO | 5 / 1 |
7 / 31 | Mixed deciduous & coniferous woodlands & forests; pure coniferous stands; rarely lowland riparian areas. |
(unid. Red / Yellow Shafted) Northern Flicker |
UNFL | 4 / 15 |
7 / 1 | Usually in woodland or forest, but also in parks, gardens, orchards. Cavity nest, often perennial. |
Pileated Woodpecker |
PIWO | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Deciduous/coniferous forests and open woodlands; nest hole usually in dead wood, often oval or triangular, narrower at top. |
FAMILY: Tyrannidae (Tyrant Flycatchers) |
Ash-throated Flycatcher |
ATFL | 4 / 25 |
7 / 15 | In scrub, chaparral, open and riparian woodlands, especially oaks and junipers; in natural cavity or woodpecker hole, usually less than 20 feet high. |
Cassin's Kingbird |
CAKI | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | |
Western Kingbird |
WEKI | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Dry, open country, agricultural lands, riparian woodlands, in tall tree or power pole. |
Olive-sided Flycatcher |
OSFL | 6 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Open coniferous/deciduous forest with lots of dead trees. Preference for Douglas Fir in canyon. |
Western Wood-Pewee |
WEWP | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Oak or riparian woodlands, Cup nest usually 15-40 feet high on horizontal Y of branch. |
Willow Flycatcher |
WIFL | / |
/ | |
(Pacific-slope Flycatcher) Western Flycatcher |
PSFL | 4 / 15 |
7 / 10 | Deciduous and coniferous woodlands, especially near streams, even gardens. Nest on ground or to 30 feet high in notch or crotch, behind loose bark. |
Black Phoebe |
BLPH | 4 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Over or near water, in woodland, canyon, suburb, farmland, under bridges over water, on or under structures. |
Say's Phoebe |
SAPH | 4 / 15 |
7 / 1 | |
FAMILY: Vireonidae (Vireos) |
Hutton's Vireo |
HUVI | 2 / 1 |
7 / 1 | Usually in a live oak, but also in other trees and shrubs, 7-25 feet high. |
Cassin's Vireo |
CAVI | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Densely wooded canyons, oaks and riparian areas. Suspended cup nest in tree fork, 3-30 feet up. |
Warbling Vireo |
WAVI | 4 / 15 |
7 / 20 | Riparian and mixed woodlands. Basketlike deep cup nest suspended in fork of small branch, below 30 feet. |
FAMILY: Laniidae (Shrikes) |
Loggerhead Shrike |
LOSH | 2 / 10 |
7 / 1 | Open country with occasional trees or shrubs. Stick nest well concealed in dense foliage. |
FAMILY: Corvidae (Crows and Jays) |
Steller's Jay |
STJA | 3 / 15 |
7 / 10 | Coniferous and mixed oak-pine forest, oak-madrone canyons; 8-40 feet high, usually in conifer, sometimes in shrub. |
unid. California Scrub-Jay / Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay |
WESJ | 3 / 10 |
7 / 10 | Chaparral, stream bottoms and in suburbs especially if live oaks present. Very dense foliage around nest. |
Yellow-billed Magpie |
YBMA | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Common in open woodland forming small loose colonies. Nest is a conspicuous large mass of sticks, domed, with side entrance. |
American Crow |
AMCR | 3 / 15 |
7 / 1 | Open country with scattered trees; towns. Large bundle of stick in tree crotch near trunk or on utility pole, or tower. |
Common Raven |
CORA | 3 / 15 |
7 / 1 | Mainly on cliff ledges, tall conifers, nest of large sticks. Look for fallen nest material at base of cliff, whitewash just below nest site. |
FAMILY: Paridae (Chickadees and Titmice) |
Chestnut-backed Chickadee |
CBCH | 4 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Solano county habitat usually riparian or live oak groves. In natural or excavated cavity, usually below 10 feet. |
Oak Titmouse |
OATI | 3 / 1 |
6 / 15 | Juniper and oak woodland, in natural or excavated cavity up to 30 feet above ground. May do minor excavation of hole. Will use nest box. |
FAMILY: Alaudidae (Larks) |
Horned Lark |
HOLA | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Dry grasslands or plowed fields. Nest, in depression in ground, partly under a clod or clump of grass, made of dried grass. Nest search futile. |
FAMILY: Hirundinidae (Swallows) |
Bank Swallow |
BANS | 4 / 20 |
7 / 15 | Nest in dense colonies in burrows in banks of rivers, road cuts, lakes, creeks, and gravel pits. |
Tree Swallow |
TRES | 4 / 10 |
7 / 1 | Widespread and common in foothill, riparian woodland near water. Nest in woodpecker hole, natural cavity or nest box.. |
Violet-green Swallow |
VGSW | 4 / 10 |
7 / 1 | Tree cavities, woodpecker holes and crevices in cliffs, mainly at higher elevations; also in wooded lowlands. |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow |
NRWS | 4 / 20 |
7 / 1 | Open country, especially near running water, in burrow or crevice, either natural or man-made, e.g., kingfisher burrow & highway overpass drain holes. |
Purple Martin |
PUMA | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Open country, savanna, rural areas, especially near water in tree hole, cliff niche, or other cavity. |
Barn Swallow |
BARS | 4 / 10 |
8 / 31 | Usually nest near water under bridge or eaves of building. Nest, of mud and straw plastered to vertical surface, has open top. |
Cliff Swallow |
CLSW | 3 / 20 |
7 / 15 | Plaster mud, gourd-shaped nests with small side entrance under eaves of buildings and bridges, natural cliffs, even trees. Close to source of mud. |
FAMILY: Aegithalidae (Bushtits and Long-tailed Tits) |
Bushtit |
BUSH | 3 / 10 |
7 / 1 | Woodlands, scrub, chaparral, and adjacent suburbs. Gourd-shaped, pendulous nest, conspicuous, 6-35 feet up in tree. |
FAMILY: Timaliidae (Babblers) |
Wrentit |
WREN | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | In chaparral bush, 1 ½ -2 feet off ground. Three nests found in ’04 averaged ~4.5’ high. |
FAMILY: Ptilogonatidae (Silky-flycatchers) |
Phainopepla |
PHAI | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Scrub oak and foothill riparian woodland with mistletoe. Male builds nest and shares incubation. Nest is shallow cup, small for size of bird. |
FAMILY: Sittidae (Nuthatches) |
White-breasted Nuthatch |
WBNU | 3 / 15 |
7 / 15 | In oaks and conifers in canyons, in cavity 15-50 feet high. May excavate own cavity. |
FAMILY: Certhiidae (Creepers) |
Brown Creeper |
BRCR | 3 / 15 |
7 / 1 | Coniferous forest, oaks, riparian areas. Nest behind loose bark. |
FAMILY: Sylviidae (Gnatcatchers and Old World Warblers) |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher |
BGGN | 4 / 20 |
7 / 20 | Chaparral slopes and oak woodland in dry canyons. Nest height 4-25 feet. |
FAMILY: Troglodytidae (Wrens) |
Rock Wren |
ROWR | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Variety of rocky & gravelly habitats, including quarries, in crevice or beneath overhang. |
Canyon Wren |
CANW | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | In steep-sided canyons, rocky streams, occasionally in arid areas in crevice in rock monolith. |
Bewick's Wren |
BEWR | 4 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Chaparral, mixed brush & oak, riparian, in cavity or crevice usually near ground also in woodpecker hole. |
House Wren |
HOWR | 4 / 1 |
8 / 15 | Nest sites in more wooded areas than Bewick’s. In natural cavity, crevice or in structures, female completes one of the male’s dummy nests. |
Marsh Wren |
MAWR | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Fresh & brackish marshes with abundant reeds. Nest attached to several reed stems. Two to 4 dummy nests. |
FAMILY: Mimidae (Mockingbirds and Thrashers) |
California Thrasher |
CATH | 2 / 15 |
7 / 10 | Chaparral, riparian with dense ground cover, brush along stream, suburbs with abundant planting. Nest hidden in shrub or low tree. |
Northern Mockingbird |
NOMO | 3 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Open woodland or scrubland, parks, gardens. Nest in dense bush or tree, 1-40 feet high. |
FAMILY: Sturnidae (Starlings) |
European Starling |
EUST | 4 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Colonies occur where suitable cavities/crevices abound in tree/building. Drives away primary and secondary cavity nesters. |
FAMILY: Turdidae (Thrushes) |
Western Bluebird |
WEBL | 4 / 1 |
8 / 1 | In open woodlands, in natural cavity, woodpecker hole, nest box. |
Swainson's Thrush |
SWTH | 6 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Shaded riparian woodlands of canyons and lowlands, prefers dense willow-alder stands. Nest on horizontal branch 2-20 feet high. |
American Robin |
AMRO | 4 / 1 |
8 / 15 | Open woodlands, suburbs, farmyards |
FAMILY: Passeridae (Old World Sparrows) |
House Sparrow |
HOSP | 4 / 1 |
8 / 15 | Found wherever there people or domestic livestock. Nests in any kind of cavity or crevice. |
FAMILY: Fringillidae (Fringilline and Cardueline Finches) |
House Finch |
HOFI | 3 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Nest loosely woven of dried grass; outside of nest splashed with feces. |
Purple Finch |
PUFI | 4 / 1 |
7 / 1 | Wooded canyons with oaks or mixed oaks and conifers. On horizontal branch, usually at fork, 5-60 feet high. |
Lesser Goldfinch |
LEGO | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Riparian areas with bushes, but only scattered trees, chaparral, oaks, suburban gardens. Nest in tree or bush, 2-30 feet high. |
Lawrence's Goldfinch |
LAGO | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Chaparral, oak woodland, riparian thickets, in tree or shrub, 2-30 feet high. Needs nearby grasslands and water. Sometimes semi-colonial. |
American Goldfinch |
AGOL | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Overgrown fields with scattered trees; forest openings. Nest in fork of tree or bush where about four limbs rise nearly vertically, 4-14 feet high. |
FAMILY: Emberizidae (Emberizids) |
Grasshopper Sparrow |
GRSP | 4 / 15 |
7 / 1 | Grassland, cultivated and abandoned fields, prairie, open savanna. |
Lark Sparrow |
LASP | 4 / 10 |
7 / 15 | Open oak woodlands mixed with grasslands or pasture. Nest usually on bare or eroded ground, shaded by plant clump. |
Chipping Sparrow |
CHSP | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Open woodlands with grassy understory. Occasionally in orchard or vineyard. Nest usually 3-10 feet high in tree. |
Black-chinned Sparrow |
BCSP | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | The most arid chaparral covered slopes. Nest in a shrub often sage. |
(unid. race) Dark-eyed Junco |
UDEJ | 3 / 10 |
8 / 1 | Coniferous and deciduous forest and edge, open woodland, bogs. Dense ground vegetation is required. |
unid. Sagebrush Sparrow / Bell's Sparrow |
USBS | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Low dense chaparral, in bush 3 feet or higher. |
Savannah Sparrow |
SAVS | 5 / 1 |
7 / 1 | Grasslands, salicornia (pickleweed) marshes bordering coastal estuary. |
California Towhee |
CALT | 4 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Chaparral, or riparian shrubs, parks, suburban gardens. Nest in dense bush, hard to find. |
Rufous-crowned Sparrow |
RCSP | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Steep rock chaparral slopes where shrubs intermix with small grass areas. Usually on ground under shrub or grass clump. |
Spotted Towhee |
SPTO | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | In dense chaparral, riparian thickets, forest edge or woodland. Nest on ground or dense bush, hard to find. |
FAMILY: Parulidae (Wood-warblers) |
Yellow-breasted Chat |
YBCH | 5 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Dense riparian thickets, in the lowlands. Nest in brush or thicket, 2-6 feet high. |
FAMILY: Icteridae (Blackbirds and Orioles) |
Western Meadowlark |
WEME | 4 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Grassland, savannah, pasture, cultivated fields. |
Hooded Oriole |
HOOR | 5 / 1 |
6 / 30 | Riparian woodland, palm trees, deciduous woodland, around human habitation. |
Bullock's Oriole |
BUOR | 4 / 10 |
8 / 1 | Open and riparian woodland, deciduous forest edge, open areas with scattered trees such as orchards, around human habitation. |
Red-winged Blackbird |
RWBL | 4 / 1 |
7 / 1 | Freshwater and brackish marshes, riparian habitats, fields. |
Tricolored Blackbird |
TRBL | 5 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Near or over water, also in agicultural crops. Woven of sedges, grass, forbs, lined with fine grass. Built in 4 days. |
Brown-headed Cowbird |
BHCO | 4 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Woodland, deciduous forest, forest edge, grassland. |
Brewer's Blackbird |
BRBL | 3 / 15 |
7 / 10 | Shrubby, brushy areas especially near water, riparian woodland, cultivated lands, marshes, around human habitation. |
Great-tailed Grackle |
GTGR | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Oft near water; large, bulky, rim woven to supports, built with twigs, forbs rushes, sedges, mud. Lined with fine grass, rootlets, trash. |
FAMILY: Parulidae (Wood-warblers) |
Orange-crowned Warbler |
OCWA | 4 / 1 |
7 / 10 | Brushlands, willow thickets, oak woodlands & taller chaparral. Nest on hill slope, often on steep bank on ground or less than 3 feet high in shrub. |
Common Yellowthroat |
COYE | 5 / 10 |
8 / 1 | Female builds near fresh, brackish or saltwater marsh, in marsh plants or nearby shrub. Nest near ground. |
Yellow Warbler |
YEWA | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Tall riparian stands of willows, alders, etc. In upright crotch of tree or shrub, 2-12 feet high. |
(unid. Myrtle / Audubon's) Yellow-rumped Warbler |
UYRW | 6 / 1 |
7 / 15 | Typically on horizontal branch of conifer, often near truck, 4-50 feet above ground. Occasionally in hardwoods. |
Black-throated Gray Warbler |
BTYW | 5 / 10 |
8 / 1 | Arid coniferous-oak woodlands. On horizontal branch of tree, 3-10 feet (rarely up to 50 feet) high, 4-10 feet from trunk. |
Townsend's Warbler |
TOWA | / |
/ | |
Wilson's Warbler |
WIWA | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | In canyons and low dense thickets of willows & other shrubs in well-watered locations, on steep slopes. In depression on or near ground in dense veg. |
FAMILY: Thraupidae (Tanagers) |
Western Tanager |
WETA | 5 / 15 |
7 / 15 | Coniferous forests and oak woodlands, especially likely near a spring; in fork of horizontal branch, well out from trunk, greater than 15 feet high. |
FAMILY: Cardinalidae (Cardinals, Saltators, and Allies) |
Black-headed Grosbeak |
BHGR | 4 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Dense oak woodland and orchards. Green Valley, Mix and Gates Canyons. |
Blue Grosbeak |
BLGR | 5 / 1 |
8 / 1 | Riparian thickets, woodlands, orchards, hedgerows in nest of twigs, hair, leaves, grass. |
Lazuli Bunting |
LAZB | 5 / 10 |
8 / 1 | Chaparral, especially recently burned areas, brushy, dry borders of lakes and streams. Nest in fork of tree or bush, 2-4 feet high. |
FAMILY: Emberizidae (Emberizids) |
Song Sparrow (M.m.maxillaris) |
SSMA | 3 / 1 |
7 / 1 | Dense vegetation along watercourses and coasts, marshes, in nest of grass, forbs, leaves, beneath grass tuft, shrub, brush pile on ground to 3 feet. |
Song Sparrow (M.m.samuelis) |
SSSA | 3 / 1 |
7 / 1 | Dense vegetation along watercourses and coasts, marshes, in nest of grass, forbs, leaves, beneath grass tuft, shrub, brush pile on ground to 3 feet. |
Song Sparrow (M.m.gouldii) |
SSGO | 3 / 15 |
8 / 1 | Dense vegetation along watercourses and coasts, marshes, in nest of grass, forbs, leaves, beneath grass tuft, shrub, brush pile on ground to 3 feet. |
* Alpha Codes are also known as 'banding codes' (not AOU codes, which are numeric)
** Safe dates represent a window when a singing male is assumed not to be in migration, and
therefore on territory. Some atlases do not use safe dates, because they prefer
(given present knowledge) not to assume migration or territorial status of all individuals.
Safe dates generally apply to the Possible breeding category only when used.