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Vermont 2003-2007 (published!)

Special Area List

List of Special Areas for Vermont 2003-2007 (published!)
Special AreaBlocks that intersect
Alburgh Bog UFA North Hero - 4
Rouses Point - 6
Bear Swamp UFA Wolcott - 4
Berlin Pond IBA Barre West - 1
Barre West - 2
Black River Marsh UFA Newport - 2
Newport - 3
Bog Pond UFA Fairlee - 5
Bragdon Preserve IBA Woodstock South - 4
Branch Pond UFA Sunderland - 5
Bristol Pond UFA Bristol - 2
Bristol - 3
Camel's Hump Summit IBA Huntington - 2
Chickering Bog UFA Plainfield - 2
Chimney Hill UFA Mount Snow - 6
Colchester Bog UFA Colchester Point - 5
Cornwall Swamp UFA Cornwall - 2
Cornwall - 3
Cornwall - 5
Dead Creek WMA IBA Snake Mountain - 1
Snake Mountain - 2
Snake Mountain - 3
Vergennes West - 3
Delta Park IBA Colchester Point - 6
Dorset Marsh UFA Manchester - 1
East Creek UFA Orwell - 2
Orwell - 3
Orwell - 5
Orwell - 6
Fairfield Marsh UFA Fairfield - 2
Fairfield - 3
St. Albans - 4
St. Albans - 5
Ferdinand Bog UFA Maidstone Lake - 2
Seneca Mountain - 5
Franklin Bog UFA Sheldon Springs - 4
Franklin County Airport IBA Highgate Center - 2
Grammas Island IBA St. Albans Bay - 2
Green Mtn. Audubon Center IBA Huntington - 1
Haystack UFA Mount Snow - 6
Hen Island IBA North Hero - 5
Herrick's Cove IBA Bellows Falls - 2
Intervale UFA Burlington - 1
Colchester - 3
La Platte River Marsh UFA Burlington - 3
Lake Bomoseen IBA Bomoseen - 2
Lake Carmi Bog UFA Sheldon Springs - 5
Little Otter Creek WMA IBA Vergennes West - 4
Lost Pond Bog UFA Danby - 1
Mallets Creek Marsh UFA Colchester - 5
Missisquoi NWR IBA East Alburg - 4
East Alburg - 5
East Alburg OE N - 6
Molly Bog UFA Sterling - 6
Moose Bog IBA Bloomfield - 3
Mount Snow UFA Mount Snow - 4
Mount Snow - 6
Mt. Mansfield Ridge UFA Mount Mansfield - 2
Mount Mansfield - 3
Mount Mansfield - 5
Mount Mansfield - 6
Mud Creek IBA Rouses Point - 4
Rouses Point - 5
Rouses Point OE N - 6
Nulhegan Basin IBA Bloomfield - 1
Bloomfield - 2
Bloomfield - 3
Maidstone Lake - 1
Maidstone Lake - 2
Maidstone Lake - 3
Maidstone Lake - 4
Maidstone Lake - 5
Maidstone Lake - 6
Norton Pond - 6
Seneca Mountain - 4
Seneca Mountain - 5
Spectacle Pond - 2
Spectacle Pond - 3
Spectacle Pond - 4
Spectacle Pond - 5
Spectacle Pond - 6
Peacham Bog UFA Peacham - 2
Peacham - 3
Peckham Hill UFA North Pownal - 5
Popasquash Island IBA St. Albans Bay - 1
Poulney River/East Bay IBA Whitehall - 4
Whitehall - 5
Pownal Bog UFA Pownal - 2
Rock Island IBA St. Albans Bay - 6
Ryder Pond UFA Jacksonville - 2
Sandbar WMA IBA Colchester - 1
Georgia Plains - 3
Scanlon Bog UFA Brandon - 1
Shelburne Pond UFA Burlington - 6
Snake Mountain WMA IBA Snake Mountain - 5
Snake Mountain - 6
South Bay WMA IBA Newport - 2
Newport - 3
Newport - 6
Newport Center - 6
Orleans - 1
Tinmouth Channel UFA Middletown Springs - 4
Middletown Springs - 5
Vernon Black Gum Swamp UFA Colrain - 4
Victory Bog Basin IBA Gallup Mills - 3
Gallup Mills - 4
Gallup Mills - 5
Gallup Mills - 6
Wallingford Pond UFA Wallingford - 5
Wallingford - 6
West Rutland Marsh IBA West Rutland - 1
West Rutland - 2
West Rutland - 4
Whitney/Hospital UFA Port Henry - 5
Port Henry - 6
Young Island UFA South Hero - 1
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• A Special Area may occur in multiple blocks.
U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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Last updated: Site - May 2014; Content - various, depending on atlas.
Page generated on: 10-Feb-2025