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Loudoun Co. (VA) 2009-2013 (data entry closed)

All Species Summary

Species Summary
73 blocks with records.
120 total species: 104 CO, 13 PR, 3 PO , (plus 143 OB)

last updated:
Fri, Mar 29 at 12:40 AM (6019hrs ago).
Species List
sort: taxonomic / alpha sort sort
Species Best Evidence Blocks PO Blocks PR Blocks CO TOTAL
(unid. Myrtle / Audubon's) Yellow-rumped Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 64 blocks
(unid. race) Dark-eyed Junco Observed OB 0 0 0 71 blocks
(unid. Red / Yellow Shafted) Northern Flicker Confirmed CO 20 20 25 69 blocks
Acadian Flycatcher Confirmed CO 12 39 12 66 blocks
Alder Flycatcher Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
American Avocet Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
American Bittern Observed OB 0 0 0 6 blocks
American Black Duck Observed OB 0 0 0 29 blocks
American Coot Observed OB 0 0 0 9 blocks
American Crow Confirmed CO 13 23 36 72 blocks
American Golden-Plover Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
American Goldfinch Confirmed CO 8 39 25 73 blocks
American Goshawk Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
American Kestrel Confirmed CO 14 9 12 57 blocks
American Pipit Observed OB 0 0 0 11 blocks
American Redstart Confirmed CO 2 11 4 51 blocks
American Robin Confirmed CO 2 7 63 72 blocks
American Tree Sparrow Observed OB 0 0 0 25 blocks
American Wigeon Observed OB 0 0 0 14 blocks
American Woodcock Confirmed CO 2 7 1 17 blocks
Bald Eagle Confirmed CO 0 0 7 59 blocks
Baltimore Oriole Confirmed CO 12 24 20 62 blocks
Bank Swallow Observed OB 0 0 0 19 blocks
Barn Owl Confirmed CO 3 4 3 16 blocks
Barn Swallow Confirmed CO 9 5 55 70 blocks
Barred Owl Confirmed CO 14 18 15 52 blocks
Bay-breasted Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 8 blocks
Belted Kingfisher Confirmed CO 26 12 13 63 blocks
Black Rail Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Black Vulture Confirmed CO 43 10 8 71 blocks
Black-and-white Warbler Confirmed CO 9 4 1 44 blocks
Black-bellied Plover Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Black-billed Cuckoo Probable PR 3 1 0 10 blocks
Black-capped Chickadee Observed OB 0 0 0 5 blocks
Black-crowned Night-Heron Observed OB 0 0 0 5 blocks
Black-throated Blue Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 27 blocks
Black-throated Green Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 37 blocks
Blackburnian Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 17 blocks
Blackpoll Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 36 blocks
Blue Grosbeak Confirmed CO 20 13 17 54 blocks
Blue Jay Confirmed CO 16 20 34 73 blocks
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Confirmed CO 15 14 40 70 blocks
Blue-headed Vireo Observed OB 0 0 0 29 blocks
Blue-winged Teal Observed OB 0 0 0 15 blocks
Blue-winged Warbler Confirmed CO 2 1 1 13 blocks
Bobolink Confirmed CO 0 2 4 16 blocks
Bonaparte's Gull Observed OB 0 0 0 5 blocks
Brant Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Brewer's Blackbird Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Broad-winged Hawk Probable PR 7 1 0 34 blocks
Brown Creeper Possible PO 1 0 0 48 blocks
Brown Thrasher Confirmed CO 9 16 44 70 blocks
Brown-headed Cowbird Confirmed CO 14 26 29 70 blocks
Brown-headed Nuthatch Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Bufflehead Observed OB 0 0 0 22 blocks
Cackling Goose Observed OB 0 0 0 4 blocks
Canada Goose Confirmed CO 5 2 56 69 blocks
Canada Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 10 blocks
Canvasback Observed OB 0 0 0 5 blocks
Cape May Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 15 blocks
Carolina Chickadee Confirmed CO 4 10 58 73 blocks
Carolina Wren Confirmed CO 2 24 47 73 blocks
Caspian Tern Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Cattle Egret Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Cedar Waxwing Confirmed CO 20 11 32 73 blocks
Cerulean Warbler Probable PR 4 3 0 12 blocks
Chestnut-sided Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 31 blocks
Chimney Swift Confirmed CO 46 17 6 70 blocks
Chipping Sparrow Confirmed CO 4 11 57 73 blocks
Clay-colored Sparrow Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Cliff Swallow Confirmed CO 0 0 2 9 blocks
Common Gallinule Observed OB 0 0 0 3 blocks
Common Goldeneye Observed OB 0 0 0 6 blocks
Common Grackle Confirmed CO 12 8 50 71 blocks
Common Loon Observed OB 0 0 0 11 blocks
Common Merganser Observed OB 0 0 0 18 blocks
Common Nighthawk Probable PR 1 1 0 18 blocks
Common Raven Confirmed CO 27 7 7 63 blocks
Common Redpoll Observed OB 0 0 0 4 blocks
Common Tern Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Common Yellowthroat Confirmed CO 12 33 21 70 blocks
Connecticut Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 4 blocks
Cooper's Hawk Confirmed CO 33 6 7 63 blocks
Dickcissel Confirmed CO 1 4 2 8 blocks
Double-crested Cormorant Observed OB 0 0 0 31 blocks
Downy Woodpecker Confirmed CO 7 24 42 73 blocks
Eastern Bluebird Confirmed CO 0 1 69 70 blocks
Eastern Kingbird Confirmed CO 6 21 41 70 blocks
Eastern Meadowlark Confirmed CO 13 22 22 59 blocks
Eastern Phoebe Confirmed CO 3 5 62 72 blocks
Eastern Screech-Owl Confirmed CO 7 3 2 24 blocks
Eastern Towhee Confirmed CO 7 42 23 73 blocks
Eastern Wood-Pewee Confirmed CO 10 42 19 72 blocks
European Starling Confirmed CO 6 3 61 71 blocks
Field Sparrow Confirmed CO 7 27 36 71 blocks
Fish Crow Confirmed CO 34 10 21 69 blocks
Fox Sparrow Observed OB 0 0 0 29 blocks
Gadwall Observed OB 0 0 0 16 blocks
Glossy Ibis Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Golden Eagle Observed OB 0 0 0 6 blocks
Golden-crowned Kinglet Observed OB 0 0 0 53 blocks
Grasshopper Sparrow Confirmed CO 9 26 21 59 blocks
Gray Catbird Confirmed CO 6 13 53 73 blocks
Gray-cheeked Thrush Observed OB 0 0 0 10 blocks
Great Black-backed Gull Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Great Blue Heron Confirmed CO 0 0 6 67 blocks
Great Crested Flycatcher Confirmed CO 11 33 29 73 blocks
Great Egret Observed OB 0 0 0 34 blocks
Great Horned Owl Confirmed CO 17 7 6 31 blocks
Greater Scaup Observed OB 0 0 0 3 blocks
Greater White-fronted Goose Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Greater Yellowlegs Observed OB 0 0 0 10 blocks
Green Heron Confirmed CO 32 10 18 66 blocks
Green-winged Teal Observed OB 0 0 0 18 blocks
Hairy Woodpecker Confirmed CO 36 11 14 70 blocks
Hermit Thrush Observed OB 0 0 0 39 blocks
Herring Gull Observed OB 0 0 0 9 blocks
Hooded Merganser Confirmed CO 0 0 1 35 blocks
Hooded Warbler Confirmed CO 4 4 1 16 blocks
Horned Grebe Observed OB 0 0 0 8 blocks
Horned Lark Probable PR 1 3 0 13 blocks
House Finch Confirmed CO 8 18 35 66 blocks
House Sparrow Confirmed CO 4 6 58 69 blocks
House Wren Confirmed CO 11 15 39 68 blocks
Indigo Bunting Confirmed CO 5 32 35 72 blocks
Kentucky Warbler Confirmed CO 3 5 5 18 blocks
Killdeer Confirmed CO 27 6 26 63 blocks
Lapland Longspur Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Least Flycatcher Observed OB 0 0 0 7 blocks
Least Sandpiper Observed OB 0 0 0 9 blocks
Lesser Black-backed Gull Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Lesser Scaup Observed OB 0 0 0 14 blocks
Lesser Yellowlegs Observed OB 0 0 0 9 blocks
Lincoln's Sparrow Observed OB 0 0 0 12 blocks
Little Blue Heron Observed OB 0 0 0 5 blocks
Loggerhead Shrike Confirmed CO 0 0 1 7 blocks
Long-billed Dowitcher Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Long-eared Owl Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Long-tailed Duck Observed OB 0 0 0 4 blocks
Louisiana Waterthrush Confirmed CO 14 13 6 37 blocks
Magnolia Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 38 blocks
Mallard Confirmed CO 14 11 22 59 blocks
Marsh Wren Probable PR 0 1 0 1 blocks
Merlin Observed OB 0 0 0 17 blocks
Mississippi Kite Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Mourning Dove Confirmed CO 11 26 34 72 blocks
Mourning Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Mute Swan Observed OB 0 0 0 5 blocks
Nashville Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 19 blocks
Northern Bobwhite Confirmed CO 8 10 1 19 blocks
Northern Cardinal Confirmed CO 1 14 58 73 blocks
Northern Harrier Observed OB 0 0 0 40 blocks
Northern Mockingbird Confirmed CO 4 11 56 71 blocks
Northern Parula Probable PR 7 27 0 47 blocks
Northern Pintail Observed OB 0 0 0 5 blocks
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Confirmed CO 12 6 27 58 blocks
Northern Saw-whet Owl Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Northern Shoveler Observed OB 0 0 0 7 blocks
Northern Shrike Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Northern Waterthrush Observed OB 0 0 0 11 blocks
Olive-sided Flycatcher Observed OB 0 0 0 6 blocks
Orange-crowned Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 5 blocks
Orchard Oriole Confirmed CO 13 16 30 64 blocks
Osprey Confirmed CO 0 0 1 41 blocks
Ovenbird Confirmed CO 9 25 5 48 blocks
Palm Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 38 blocks
Pectoral Sandpiper Observed OB 0 0 0 4 blocks
Peregrine Falcon Observed OB 0 0 0 4 blocks
Philadelphia Vireo Observed OB 0 0 0 5 blocks
Pied-billed Grebe Possible PO 1 0 0 22 blocks
Pileated Woodpecker Confirmed CO 23 34 12 72 blocks
Pine Siskin Observed OB 0 0 0 24 blocks
Pine Warbler Probable PR 8 4 0 25 blocks
Prairie Warbler Confirmed CO 7 23 6 42 blocks
Prothonotary Warbler Confirmed CO 4 3 3 13 blocks
Purple Finch Observed OB 0 0 0 34 blocks
Purple Martin Confirmed CO 7 0 28 50 blocks
Red Crossbill Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Red Phalarope Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Red-bellied Woodpecker Confirmed CO 4 17 51 73 blocks
Red-breasted Merganser Observed OB 0 0 0 12 blocks
Red-breasted Nuthatch Observed OB 0 0 0 40 blocks
Red-eyed Vireo Confirmed CO 12 41 14 71 blocks
Red-headed Woodpecker Confirmed CO 12 6 25 53 blocks
Red-necked Grebe Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Red-shouldered Hawk Confirmed CO 20 10 39 71 blocks
Red-tailed Hawk Confirmed CO 32 9 24 70 blocks
Red-throated Loon Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Red-winged Blackbird Confirmed CO 2 8 57 68 blocks
Redhead Observed OB 0 0 0 12 blocks
Ring-billed Gull Observed OB 0 0 0 37 blocks
Ring-necked Duck Observed OB 0 0 0 44 blocks
Rock Pigeon Confirmed CO 39 19 9 70 blocks
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Probable PR 2 2 0 25 blocks
Rough-legged Hawk Observed OB 0 0 0 5 blocks
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Observed OB 0 0 0 58 blocks
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Confirmed CO 27 20 13 66 blocks
Ruddy Duck Observed OB 0 0 0 21 blocks
Rusty Blackbird Observed OB 0 0 0 17 blocks
Sandhill Crane Observed OB 0 0 0 4 blocks
Savannah Sparrow Confirmed CO 4 3 2 30 blocks
Scarlet Tanager Confirmed CO 17 36 8 65 blocks
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Semipalmated Plover Observed OB 0 0 0 4 blocks
Semipalmated Sandpiper Observed OB 0 0 0 7 blocks
Sharp-shinned Hawk Possible PO 8 0 0 47 blocks
Short-billed Dowitcher Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Short-eared Owl Observed OB 0 0 0 3 blocks
Snow Bunting Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Snow Goose Observed OB 0 0 0 13 blocks
Snowy Egret Observed OB 0 0 0 3 blocks
Snowy Owl Observed OB 0 0 0 3 blocks
Solitary Sandpiper Observed OB 0 0 0 33 blocks
Song Sparrow Confirmed CO 8 24 37 70 blocks
Sora Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Spotted Sandpiper Observed OB 0 0 0 27 blocks
Stilt Sandpiper Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Summer Tanager Probable PR 0 1 0 4 blocks
Surf Scoter Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Swainson's Thrush Observed OB 0 0 0 17 blocks
Swainson's Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Swallow-tailed Kite Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Swamp Sparrow Confirmed CO 0 1 1 41 blocks
Tennessee Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 13 blocks
Tree Swallow Confirmed CO 5 4 52 65 blocks
Tricolored Heron Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Trumpeter Swan Observed OB 0 0 0 3 blocks
Tufted Titmouse Confirmed CO 3 10 59 73 blocks
Tundra Swan Observed OB 0 0 0 21 blocks
Turkey Vulture Confirmed CO 51 13 6 73 blocks
unid. Mexican / Eastern Whip-poor-will Probable PR 0 2 0 4 blocks
unid. Pacific Wren / Winter Wren Observed OB 0 0 0 33 blocks
unid. Rufous Hummingbird / Allen's Hummingbird Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Veery Observed OB 0 0 0 8 blocks
Vesper Sparrow Confirmed CO 4 3 2 15 blocks
Virginia Rail Probable PR 0 2 0 3 blocks
Warbling Vireo Confirmed CO 15 7 2 38 blocks
Western Kingbird Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
Western Sandpiper Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
White Ibis Observed OB 0 0 0 2 blocks
White-breasted Nuthatch Confirmed CO 14 28 30 72 blocks
White-crowned Sparrow Observed OB 0 0 0 40 blocks
White-eyed Vireo Confirmed CO 15 21 9 53 blocks
White-rumped Sandpiper Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
White-throated Sparrow Observed OB 0 0 0 71 blocks
White-winged Crossbill Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
White-winged Scoter Observed OB 0 0 0 3 blocks
Wild Turkey Confirmed CO 22 8 29 65 blocks
Willow Flycatcher Confirmed CO 12 16 6 41 blocks
Wilson's Snipe Observed OB 0 0 0 11 blocks
Wilson's Warbler Observed OB 0 0 0 6 blocks
Wood Duck Confirmed CO 10 7 22 50 blocks
Wood Thrush Confirmed CO 10 39 14 67 blocks
Worm-eating Warbler Confirmed CO 4 4 6 26 blocks
Yellow Warbler Confirmed CO 14 16 4 46 blocks
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Observed OB 0 0 0 4 blocks
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Observed OB 0 0 0 66 blocks
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Confirmed CO 26 28 8 69 blocks
Yellow-breasted Chat Confirmed CO 16 18 5 39 blocks
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Yellow-headed Blackbird Observed OB 0 0 0 1 blocks
Yellow-throated Vireo Confirmed CO 11 16 4 40 blocks
Yellow-throated Warbler Probable PR 2 2 0 7 blocks
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U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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Last updated: Site - May 2014; Content - various, depending on atlas.
Page generated on: 04-Dec-2024