Ernie Buford of Vermont kindly sent us a copy of the dataset in ArcInfo in the summer of 2005. Data are presented here by agreement between the atlas project, NBII, and USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
Results should be
cited as:
Bird Atlas Explorer (online resource). 2024. U.S. Geological Survey
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. <Date of access>.
Data extracted from: Bevier, Louis R. ed. 1994. The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Connecticut. Hartford, CT: State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut. 461 pp.
Use Policy
Any use of these data should be accompanied by the proper citation as shown above. For questions or to use large portions of the dataset, please contact Louis R. Bevier at
Sponsorship for this project was provided by the Audubon Council of Connecticut and the National Audubon Society.
Treatment of the received dataset
We imported the
received dataset
with modifications as follows to better combine with other atlases or to match publication cited above:
Mapped the following two species that were not mapped in the published book because their breeding evidence during the atlas period is clearly described in the "Possible Breeders and Misc. Species" section: Black Rail and Chuck-will's-widow.