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Mecklenburg Co. (NC) 2011-2014

Common Species Lists

Common Species
Common Name Bad Code(s)
  Canada Goose (B)
  Mallard (B)
  Rock Pigeon (B)
  Mourning Dove (B)
  Ruby-throated Hummingbird (B)
  Killdeer (B)
  Red-shouldered Hawk (B)
  Barred Owl (B)
  Red-bellied Woodpecker
  Downy Woodpecker
  Hairy Woodpecker
  Great Crested Flycatcher (B)
  Eastern Kingbird (B)
  Eastern Phoebe (B)
  White-eyed Vireo (B)
  Red-eyed Vireo (B)
  Blue Jay (B)
  American Crow (B)
  Carolina Chickadee (B)
  Tufted Titmouse (B)
  White-breasted Nuthatch (B)
  Brown-headed Nuthatch (B)
  Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (B)
  Carolina Wren
  House Wren
  Gray Catbird (B)
  Brown Thrasher (B)
  Northern Mockingbird (B)
  European Starling (B)
  Eastern Bluebird (B)
  American Robin (B)
  House Sparrow (B)
  House Finch (B)
  American Goldfinch (B)
  Chipping Sparrow (B)
  Song Sparrow (B)
  Eastern Towhee (B)
  Brown-headed Cowbird (B),(NB),(ON),(DD)
  Common Grackle (B)
  Common Yellowthroat (B)
  Pine Warbler (B)
  Summer Tanager (B)
  Northern Cardinal (B)
  Indigo Bunting (B)
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Related Topics: Rare Species

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• See the species information page for more details about each species.
• View the project methods for descriptions of codes used above.
U.S. Department of the Interior || U.S. Geological Survey || Patuxent Wildlife Research Center  Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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Last updated: Site - May 2014; Content - various, depending on atlas.
Page generated on: 10-Feb-2025