Butterfly Survey Viewer
Vermont Butterfly Survey 2002-2006
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  Vermont Butterfly 2002-2006 | VINS Bfly Atlas Home

Vermont 2002-2006 Butterfly

This is the public site for viewing results from Vermont's Butterfly Survey project.

Generate a butterfly checklist of sightings to date for a particular block in Vermont's current project.

In which blocks has species X been found to date?

Search the catalog of historic butterfly sightings/vouchers by Town to learn more about where you might expect to see a species.

 About the Atlas Project
 (leave this site)
This online system is provided through a partnership with USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center and with the National Biological Information Infrastructure. Visit the Vermont Butterfly on the web (link at left) for more information, project news and updates.
These sightings are not considered final until publication. Sightings updated regularly - see footer.
For official uses of the data, please contact Kent McFarland at


 This Butterfly Survey Viewer is 'piggybacking' on the larger Breeding Bird Atlas site.
 Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, part of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), provides the
 Butterfly Survey Viewer (along with the BBA Manager in cooperation
 with the Vermont Institute of Natural Science and  National Biological Information Infrastructure.
 Feedback | Last Updated May 2007