Data Citation

Ziolkowski, D.J., Lutmerding, M., English, W.B., Aponte, V.I., and Hudson, M-A.R., 2023, North American Breeding Bird Survey Dataset 1966 - 2022: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Terms of Use

Users of these BBS data are obligated to formally recognize their use of the program's data in publications, presentations and other outlets. Additionally, all work using these data should acknowledge the thousands of U.S. and Canadian participants who annually perform and coordinate the survey.

If a publication is based solely on the analysis of BBS data, we recommend that you involve National BBS staff with the writing and/or review of the manuscript.

It is in the best interest for the continued success of the BBS that authors submit a reprint or pdf of their work featuring BBS data to the National Office for inclusion in the program's bibliography.