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North American Breeding Bird Survey Program 
Peer Review

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In April 1999, a Peer Review Panel was commissioned by the USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center to review the scientific and operational aspects of the U.S. Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). The Panel�s report, consisting of 31 recommendations, was received in February 2000 and is presented here in its entirety along with Patuxent's implementation plan addressing each of the recommendations.

We thank the Panel members for their time and thoughtful recommendations for the BBS program, and look forward to the challenge of implementing these suggestions in our efforts to improve and strengthen the BBS program.

Links to Documents:
Go to "A Programmatic Review of the North American Breeding Bird Survey"
Go to "Implementing Breeding Bird Survey Review Panel Recommendations"

Panel Members:
Erica Dunn, Canadian Wildlife Service
Douglas H. Johnson, USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
Stephanie L. Jones, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Raymond J. O�Connor, University of Maine (Panel Chair)
Daniel Petit, USGS Biological Resources Division
Ken Pollock, North Carolina State University
Charles R. Smith, Cornell University
John L. Trapp, USFWS, Office of Migratory Bird Management
Erum Welling, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center

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