Environment CanadaEnvironment Canada  
North American Breeding Bird Survey  
Training: Introduction [page 1/34]
Hi. I'm Chan Robbins and I'd like to welcome you to the North American Breeding Bird Survey training program. As the founder of the BBS, I am pleased to have the opportunity to tell you a little more about it and this training program. The NABBS is a long-term, continental avian monitoring program that was initiated in 1966 to track the status and trends of North American bird populations. It provides trend data on more than 400 bird species that are used by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Canadian Wildlife Service, and others for setting and achieving bird conservation goals. Thus, it is very important that everyone understands and follows the methods prescribed for participating in the BBS.

This website was developed to help accomplish this training goal by supplementing the written instructions. It provides general information about the BBS program, as well as, specific instructions for conducting a Breeding Bird Survey.
Picture of Chan Robbins from the training video
[ Optional Video ] 15Mb, MPEG format

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U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Eastern Ecological Science Center Laurel, MD, USA 20708-4038
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